This comprehensive course delves into the impact on therapy from drugs that are designed to treat pain, musculoskeletal, respiratory, cardiovascular, nervous system, and endocrine disorders.
This comprehensive course delves into the impact on therapy from drugs that are designed to treat pain, musculoskeletal, respiratory, cardiovascular, nervous system, and endocrine disorders.
Patients undergoing therapy routinely take both prescription drugs and OTC medicines that ultimately influence treatment outcomes. Therapists with knowledge of these medicines practice safer, more effective therapy. The course will examine Rx and non-Rx medicine used in the therapy setting and will cover side effects that influence treatment and outcomes. Information will focus on drug actions and patient errors when treating pain, as well as common disorders of the musculoskeletal, neurologic, cardiorespiratory, and endocrine systems. Common OTC drugs and herbals are examined for occult hazards and drug interactions. Electronic resources for free drug-related information will be demonstrated.
Upon completion of this course, the participant will:
1. Describe basic factors that control drug uptake, bioavailability, and metabolism.
2. List benefits, limitations, and adverse effects of drug families used to treat inflammation and pain.
3. Classify drug families and drugs used to treat disorders and diseases of the musculoskeletal, neurological, cardiorespiratory, and endocrine systems.
4. Describe how drug choices and administration influence therapy outcomes, including common errors in drug administration committed by patients.
5. Define potential harms and drug interactions for over-the-counter medications and herbals.
Mark S. Nash, PhD, FACSM FASIA is a dynamic instructor who is highly regarded for his ability to take complex information and make it meaningful and clinically relevant. His pharmacology courses are acclaimed for ease of understanding and relevance to therapy practice. He is a tenured Professor of Neurological Surgery and Rehabilitation Medicine at the Miller School of Medicine, University of Miami, Associate Director for the Center of Excellence in Spinal Cord Research, and Vice-Chair for Research in Rehabilitation Medicine. He holds graduate degrees in Human Biology, Applied Physiology, and Clinical Anatomy, and was a Doctoral Fellow focusing on rehabilitation of ischemic heart disease. Dr. Nash has taught doctoral coursework in Pharmacology in two distinguished Physical Therapy Programs and has presented more than 120 continuing education programs nationwide. He has published more than 180
manuscripts, scholarly monographs, and book chapters on topics in rehabilitation physiology, and has been honored for lifetime achievements in rehabilitation by the American Congress of Rehabilitation Medicine.
"The course was extremely informative but what made the course a home run was the presenter; Mark Nash. He presented the material in an extremely organized and efficient way with dabs of good humor, and the patience to adeptly answer all questions." - -Joshua Shulman
"Dr. Nash was very engaging! He made the material both interesting and applicable to various therapy settings. This course served to better explain common medications and their interactions." - -Nora Seader
Every physical, occupational and speech therapist treating patients in any clinical setting should take this course! It will change the way you look at medication reconciliation-and change the way you consider the plan of care in relation to patient's medications." --Joana Brooks
"This was one of the most informative and interesting courses I have every been to in years. Dr. Nash was fantastic. I would recommend this course to any discipline in need of a good pharmacology review." --
785 Mamaroneck Ave,
Billings Building
White Plains, NY 10605
Crowne Plaza - White Plains
66 Hale Avenue
White Plains, NY 10601
This course meets the criteria for 7 contact hours (0.7 CEUs).
Application has been made to the NJ Board of PT Examiners and the PA Board of PT.
Approved provider by the NY State of PT for 8 contact hours.
Approved provider of continuing education by the American Occupational Therapy Association #3043, for 7 contact hours - Intermediate Level Occupational Therapy Process: assessment, intervention.
The assignment of AOTA CEUs does not imply endorsement of specific course content, products or clinical procedures by AOTA.
NBCOT professional development provider - 7 PDUs.
PHARMACOLOGY Fundamentals for Therapists sponsored by
This course is offered for up to .7 ASHA CEUs (Intermediate level, Professional area).