Output Additional Course Details
The participant will be able to:
- Create developmentally appropriate play activities for children with neuro-motor, (oral motor, fine motor and gross motor) sensory, and developmental challenges as a preparation for functional tasks.
- Analyze the essential elements of a functional skill, and identify playful interventions to facilitate specific goals in the areas of mobility, daily living skills, tool usage and oral motor function and respiration.
- Identify and apply critical elements in the theoretical frameworks of NDT, SI, and Motor Learning that facilitate play and ultimately the acquisition of a functional skill in children.
- Consider different methods for teaching, managing the environment, selecting equipment, and handling the child that will be playful and optimize function.
Output Instructor Bio (Summary?)
Lezlie Adler, MA, OTR, FMOTA, C/NDT is an internationally recognized and respected clinician and consultant with extensive and broad experience in medical, educational and community based settings. As a pediatric occupational therapist in schools, hospitals, outpatient clinics, homes, community organization and nursing homes for children, she offers a unique approach which can be practically and successfully applied in all settings.
Output Testimonials
"Lezlie was completely engaging and thorough. It is obvious that she cares about making us good therapists. The info is invaluable!" -Stacey Wright
Output VENUE Details
1655 Tullie Cir NE, Atlanta, GA 30329
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Output CEU Details
The continuing education hours obtained at this course qualify toward NDTA re-certification.