Kathryn Biel[/caption]
Let Me Introduce Myself
I first found Education Resources, Inc. when I was a brand new graduate, way back at the turn of the century. At the suggestion of my soon-to-be-place of employment, I attended a School-Based OT/PT Conference. I was so green I didn’t even know what I didn’t know. But I did recognize two excellent speakers, a PT/OT duo. Without looking at my papers, (which after several moves, who knows where they are?), I can’t tell you what the course was, but I can tell you one of the speakers was Linda Kliebhan. I was so impressed with her that when I needed more continuing education, I looked her up. And thus, my love of Education Resources, Inc. was born.
Over the course of my career, I’ve taken several courses through ERI. Early on, I took several pediatric NDT courses. The last few years, I’ve been to five out of the last six Therapies in the School Conference. As a school-based physical therapist, this conference is, hands down, the best I’ve ever attended. Even when my company or school doesn’t pay for the whole course, I still attend. Why? Because it’s that good.
So this year, I was happy to be back at the conference, and even more delighted at the cocktail reception following the first day. It was a great time to chit chat, network, and brainstorm. Cheese and crackers were consumed, iPad apps were shared, and I met Carol Loria and Mandy Washington (she’s the lady who sends all the e-mails!), to whom I casually mentioned my side career as a novelist.
In addition to being a school-based physical therapist, I am the author of four women’s fiction novels. Before you ask, I don’t watch TV in the evenings and I don’t clean my house a whole lot—that’s how I have the time. I have website/blog which I use to promote my books, tell embarrassing stories which will make my children someday disown me, vent about things in society that annoy me, and discuss things I come across in therapy.
So that brings me to why I’m here. In working with Mandy and the great staff at ERI, in an effort to reach more therapists and help us network and stay connected, even as we’re spread thinner and thinner, I’ll be writing regular blog posts for ERI. I hope to provide information for clinicians on relevant topics and spark a dialogue between therapists across the globe. I have lofty goals. So, please go gently on me while I get into the swing of things. Feel free to let me know if you’ve had a different experience or have another angle to consider. Also, I’ll always be looking for new topics to cover, so please give me a shout out with ideas or questions. I’ll especially be looking for ideas outside of my realm of pediatric physical therapy.
We hope that Education Resources, Inc. will be your go-to spot for the latest in information, therapy trends, continuing education, and therapy connections.
I look forward to hearing from you!
~Kathryn Biel, PT, DPT