The Get Ready To Learn (GRTL) program has proven effective to positively influence sensory processing, self-regulation, attention, communication, motor planning, and school performance when performed daily. Participants learn how to implement GRTL in a range of classroom levels and how to document the progress of students by collecting data.
Get Ready to Learn: Yoga Therapy in the Classroom
This dynamic 2 day program offers the school based practitioner a clinically researched Yoga curriculum utilizing a range of developmentally graded yoga sequences which align with RTI and PBIS. Used throughout the United States and England since 2008, this popular preparatory yoga curriculum,addressing learning and behavior issues across ages (preschool-high school), stages and levels of ability. This program has been shown to positively impact sensory processing, self regulation attention, communication, motor planning and performance. Get Ready to Learn (“GTRL”) is designed for implementation and adaption across the range of classroom challenges, from minimal to severe. Challenges addressed include students with mild to severe physical limitations, autistic spectrum disorders, developmental, learning disabilities and attention and emotional/regulatory issues. Chosen as a PBS “Innovations in Education” program, this program has been highly acclaimed by participating teachers, therapists and administrators.
Program Includes:
Training in the use of a series of developmentally sequenced floor yoga routines as well as a series of seated routines with adaptations for specific challenges, use of a series of 5 “GRTL” Classroom Breaks.
Reproducible manual sections, including Inservice handout and curriculum for classroom staff, data collection and observation tools.
Participants will also be provided with 1 training DVD at no charge.
Venue TBD