Labs will guide participants' handling skills to improve control of the head, neck, trunk, and pelvis and improve functions relating to vision, respiration, phonation, upper extremity function, transitions, and assisted mobility. Practical home carryover programs will be discussed to improve effectiveness of therapy sessions.
Treatment of the Child with Severe Involvement
Linda Kliebhan- COURSE
This lab intensive course is designed for physical, occupational and speech therapists working with children from birth to adolescence who have Neuro-Muscular Disorders with severe physical involvement (GMFCS Levels IV and V) including diagnoses of Cerebral Palsy, Genetic Disorders and other Neuro-Muscular Conditions. Topics covered will include assessment and treatment planning for function using the ICF Model from an NDT Perspective. Current Concepts in NDT incorporating motor learning and motor control approaches will be integrated into strategies for improving function and participation at home, in school and the community. Labs and patient demonstration will highlight handling strategies for improved mobility and control of the trunk and pelvis related to use of vision, respiratory/phonatory control, UE function, transitions and assisted mobility.
The continuing education hours obtained at this course qualify toward NDTA re-certification.
Participants will be able to apply course learning immediately to:
- Apply the process of NDT assessment and problem solving utilizing the ICF Model.
- Incorporate current concepts of postural stability that impact function and participation into practical daily strategies at home and school.
- Utilize handling strategies practiced in labs with clients to maximize functional outcomes.
Linda Kliebhan
Linda A. Kliebhanis a delightful speaker who is able to share her wealth of knowledge in a clear and engaging manner. As a physical therapist in private practice in Mequon, WI she has accumulated over 30 years experience in pediatrics treating children with cerebral palsy and other neuro-motor disorders.Linda A. Kliebhan, PT,is a NDT coordinator-Instructor teaching the NDT/Bobath Course in the Treatment of Children with Cerebral Palsy, advanced NDT courses and other workshops related to NDT and pediatric therapy. She is also co-founder of Partners for Progress Inc. a nonprofit organization providing and researching intensive therapy. Ms. Kliebhan is also a consultant with the Medical College of Wisconsin Department of Orthopedics.
"Linda explained the principles in a way that was easy to understand and then showed us practical ways to apply them to patients. Excellent Course!" - -B. Aquart, PT
"Linda has an amazing ability to present a lot of information in a fun and engaging way. The labs and demo's are excellent. I look forward to taking more of her classes." - -J. Stein, PT
"This course was amazing! It offers an easy to follow, hands-on approach to learning NDT! The instructor is very knowledgeable and approachable." -A Fernandez, OT
"Linda is very knowledgeable and personable speaker. She provides thorough explanations and demonstrations that can be utilized in OT, PT and SLP. Her course is amazing for all levels of experience and I highly recommend it."- -G. Nunez, OT
Fairview Health Services
2512 South 7th Street
Minneapolis, MN 55454

Approved provider of continuing education by the American Occupational Therapy Association #3043, for 13 contact hours - Intermediate Level Occupational Therapy Process: evaluation, intervention.
The assignment of AOTA CEU's does not imply endorsement of specific course content, products or clinical procedures by AOTA. NBCOT professional development provider-13 PDU's CREDITS T.