Shift your post-acute care focus to reduce re-hospitalizations and provide evidence-based interventions to improve functional outcomes while treating the complex older adult in the SNF and Home Health settings.
Shift your post-acute care focus to reduce re-hospitalizations and provide evidence-based interventions to improve functional outcomes while treating the complex older adult in the SNF and Home Health settings.
The focus of post-acute care has begun, and will continue, to shift towards value over volume. This does not mean that less therapy is indicated. However, what a therapist focuses on when evaluating and setting the plan of care will be even more critical in this new environment. This course will focus on providing evidence-based tests and measures to use for evaluations, review frameworks for effective care planning to reduce re-hospitalizations and provide evidence-based interventions for optimal outcomes in treating the complex older adult in the SNF and Home Health settings. Case studies for diagnoses such as Parkinson’s Disease, Sarcopenia and Heart Failure will be introduced for participants to utilize critical thinking processes combined with recent research to identify best practices of care for this population. In addition, various preventative aspects a therapist can incorporate into practice will be provided.
Participants will be able to apply course learning immediately to:
1. Identify evidence-based standardized tests when establishing plans of care for the complex elderly patient.
2. Describe the upcoming changes to both SNF and HH payment structure and the impact on
therapy and outcomes.
3. Develop a working knowledge of best practices while utilizing presented frameworks/processes for care transitions to prevent rehospitalization for the complex elderly patient.
4. Utilize research to create functional therapeutic interventions (including fall prevention programs and interventions to improve balance) across post-acute settings.
5. Apply best practices in documentation of skilled services for the complex elderly patient.
Robyn Ligotti, PT, DPT, RAC-CT, CDP, QCP is the owner of Rehab Resource Solutions, LLC Consulting and is a licensed DPT with over 35 years of experience. The scope of her practice has encompassed many settings including: skilled nursing facilities, home health, outpatient rehab, wellness and prevention and inpatient rehab, but always with the older adult population. She has managed multi-disciplinary teams in skilled nursing facilities, home health and outpatient rehabilitation. Her Certifications include: Dementia Practitioner, Resident Assessment Coordinator and Quality Assurance Performance Improvement Certification. She is dedicated in her belief that the key to achieving strong outcomes is establishing a team of professionals who use critical thinking evidence-based skills in day to day practice. She has provided education to rehab and nursing teams and other disciplines throughout her career on safe patient handling, understanding Medicare and rehab specific treatments and approaches to care. Dr. Ligotti graduated with her B.S. in P.T. from Russell Sage College and received her Doctor of P.T. from Sage Graduate School.
Financial Disclosures: Robyn Ligotti receives an honorarium from ERI for this course.
Non-Financial Disclosures: She has no relevant non-financial relationships to disclose.
1820 Hillcrest Drive
Bellevue, NE 68005
Courtyard - Omaha Bellevue
3730 Raynor
Bellevue at Beardmore Event Center
Bellevue, NE 68123
This course meets the criteria for 14 contact hours (1.4 CEUs). Application has been made to the NE Chapter American Physical Therapy Association. This workshop meets accepted standards for continuing competence as outlined in ch 376 - Sec 20 - 73 B of the CT General Statues.This workshop meets accepted standards for continuing competence activities in MA(14 contact hours (1.4 CEUs).This course satisfies CE Requirements in IA.
Approved provider by the NY State Board of Physical Therapy for 16.8 contact hours.
Approved provider of continuing education by the American Occupational Therapy Association #3043 for 14 contact hours (1.4 CEUs) - Intermediate Level. Occupational Therapy Process: assessment, intervention. The assignment of AOTA CEUs does not imply endorsement of specific course content, products or clinical procedures by AOTA