Utilize the most up to date information on motor learning and neuroplasticity to improve the effectiveness of your treatments and improve student success.
Utilize the most up to date information on motor learning and neuroplasticity to improve the effectiveness of your treatments and improve student success.
Inform your practice with the latest evidence on neuroplasticity and motor learning to design more effective treatment programs. Utilize the knowledge of how to best provide helpful feedback, incorporate varied practice into sessions, and harness the benefits of mental practice to improve outcomes for your caseload.
Dr. Paez was a school -based PT for over 20 years and presented on motor learning, pediatric and neurological topics. As time progressed, he become more interested in the brain and pursued his PhD in brain neurology with a focus on sleep from Oxford University. He is now a research fellow at the Sleep, Cognition and Neuroimaging Laboratory (SCNLab) at Concordia University.
Financial Disclosures: No disclosures
Non-Financial Disclosures: No disclosures
Once you purchase an online course you will have access to the course materials. If you have purchased this course, please ensure you have logged in to your account in order to take the exam.
Once you purchase an online course, you will have the opportunity to take an exam to test your retention of the material. If you have purchased this course, please ensure you have logged in to your account in order to take the exam. The exam must be completed with a pass rate of 80% or more in order to receive your certificate of attendance.
Continuing Education Hours for disciplines not listed below: 2.5 Contact Hours (.25 CEUs). Intermediate Level. License # _________. Education Resources Inc. is an AOTA Approved Provider of professional development. Provider #3043. Distance Learning-Independent course is offered at 2.5 contact hours 0.25 CEUs. (intermediate level, OT service delivery). AOTA does not endorse specific course content, products or clinical procedures. This course can be used toward your NBCOT renewal requirements for 2.5 units. Approved for FL Occupational Therapists for 3 continuing education hours – CE Broker #20-722688.
Approval #2022-138 by NJ State Board of Physical Therapy Examiners for 2.5 CEC's. Course meets the basic criteria of the MD Board of Physical Therapy Examiners for 0.25 CEU.
Education Resources is an approved agency by the PT Board of CA for 2.5 contact hours. This activity is provided by the Texas Board of PT Examiners accredited provider #1910017TX for 2.5 CCUs and meets continuing competence requirements for PTs and PTAs licensure renewal in Texas. Approved sponsor by the State of Illinois Department of Financial and Professional Regulation for Physical Therapy for 3 contact hours.
Approved provider by the New York State Board of Physical Therapy for 3 contact hours (.3 CEUs).
This session applies 2.5 contact hours (0.25 CEUs) toward approval by the but this must combined with another session of this series to receive CEUs and approval number by the KY Physical Therapy Association. Approved Provider for OK State Board of Medical Licensure & Supervision #BAP202310003.
The following state boards of physical therapy accept other states’ approval: AK, AR, AZ, DC, DE, GA, HI, ID, IN, KS, MA, MI, MO, MS, NC, OR, PA, RI, SC, UT, VA, VT, WI, WY. he following state boards of physical therapy either do not require course pre-approval or do not require CEUs for re-licensure: AL, CO, CT, IA, ME, MT, NE, ND, NH, SD, WA.
Education Resources, Inc., 266 Main St., #12, Medfield, MA 02052