Do you have a caseload full of children who refuse to eat because of sensory challenges, food sensitivities, behaviors, or even no apparent reason? This course addresses the growing problem of food refusals and nutritional deficiencies from a revolutionary new perspective and focuses on self-regulation, socio-cultural, and emotional perspectives while incorporating conventional nutrition, oral-motor skills, sensory processing and behavioral techniques. Susan’s highly successful, integrative approach integrates body, mind and spirit and uses play, the primary occupation of childhood, as a focal point to improve outcomes and plot a course to happier and healthier mealtimes. The seminar format involves extensive case problem solving and participants will apply the provided tools to their own clients. These tools include: structured observations of play and mealtime behaviors; food journals for nutrition, sensory, and food sensitivities; functional, measurable performance objectives aligned with academic goals; and play based mealtime implementation strategies.
The participant will be able to:
- Discuss commonalities in the development of play, emotional intelligence, and mealtime skills.
- Identify common medical conditions associated with food refusals and the research-based evidence that needs to guide mealtime interventions.
- Compare and differentiate a child’s current food choices for nutritional value and sensory preference.
- Generate plans for successfully introducing new and nourishing foods to develop epigentic resilience to disease.
- Design therapeutic interventions that motivate and reward expanded food choices and the development of competent eating skills via the gut-brain connection.
Susan L. Roberts, MDiv, OTR/L, author, educator, and occupational therapy clinician uses a body, mind, spirit approach developed over four decades of practice. Susan studied occupational therapy at Boston University, theology at Harvard, nutrition at the Institute of Integrative Nutrition, and Five Element Theory of Traditional Chinese Medicine at the Tao of Healing Center in NYC. She worked in psychiatric hospitals, physical rehabilitation centers, skilled nursing facilities, schools, and home care. Her pediatric clinic, Changes Occupational Therapy, in AZ uses play as the focus for healing. Susan taught occupational therapy theory and practice at Eastern Kentucky University and New York Institute of Technology. She authored Biomechanics: Problem Solving for Occupational Therapy; Kinesiology: Movement in the Context of Activity; My Kid Eats Everything: A Journey from Picky to Adventurous Eating; and The Food Explorers Passport. She recently published Sustainable Health: Simple Habits to Transform Your Life.
This course was very informative and creative. It gave me so many ideas, so much education, and so many resources. I love Susan's holistic approach and how she focuses on health. I am excited about using my new tools in therapy with my kids with feeding challenges. --Anna Mulrooney, SLP
Extremely informative given the current issues regarding our children who need "happy, healthy" mealtimes. The information was creatively presented and the resources given were abundant. I look forward to reading the recommended books and to use this course information to help support other professionals with happy eating and play. --Caitlin Riewzi, OT
2017 S. Jefferson St
The Auditorium
Roanoke , VA 24014
Springhill Suites - Roanoke
301 Reserve Avenue
Roanoke, VA 24016
Click image to access Google Maps.
This course meets the criteria for 13 contact hours (1.3 CEUs).
The DE, DC, PA and VA Boards of Physical Therapy recognizes other states' approvals.
Approval #1802-208 by the NJ State Board of Physical Therapy Examiners for 13 CEC's.
Physical Therapy License Number__________________
Course meets the basic criteria of the MD Board of Physical Therapy Examiners for ________ CEU's
Approved Provider by the NY State Board of Physical Therapy for 15.6 contact hours.
ASHA CEUs are awarded by the ASHA CE Registry upon receipt of the CEU Participant Form from the ASHA. Approved CE Provider for up to 1.3 CEU’s
Approved Provider of CE by the AOTA #3043 for 13- Contact Hours (1.3 CEU's)
NBCOT professional development provider-13 PDUs.
Education Resources Inc. 266 Main Street, Suite 12, Medfield, MA 02052 508-359-6533 or 800-487-6530 (Outside MA)