Every patient you treat is a cardiovascular and pulmonary patient. No matter what the setting you practice in from Acute Care to Skilled Nursing, Long Term Acute Care, to Home Care or Outpatient Therapy or school settings, your therapy outcomes will be limited by primary and secondary cardiovascular and pulmonary impairments.
Using best practices to examine and evaluate clients and provide optimal interventions safely will maximize functional outcomes and help prevent re-hospitalizations which is of primary concern and focus in the current health care arena.
Upon completion of the seminar the participants will be
able to:
1. Describe and monitor normal and abnormal cardiopulmonary function in a variety of practice
2. Interpret the results of monitoring and apply to PT, OT, RT & SLP interventions, progression
of therapy and re-evaluation.
3. Identify and incorporate ventilator strategies in therapeutic exercise by modifying breathing
patterns to facilitate speech and movement optimal function.
4. Identify red flags to raise concern for issues which might prevent success with discharge from various settings and address solutions to optimize transitions to lower levels of care or self care.
5. Interact with the inter-professional team across the continuum of care to provide optimal therapy
and coordination to decrease re-hospitalization
Donna Frownfelter, DPT, CCS, RRT, FCCP is an internationally known consultant, teacher, practitioner and author. She is best known for the widely used text,coauthored with Elizabeth Dean PhD, PT, Principles and Practice of Cardiopulmonary Physical Therapy 5th edition, 2012. In addition Dr. Frownfelter co-authored Cardiovascular and Pulmonary Patterns, Guide to PT Practice with Dr. Marilyn Moffat, 2007. Dr. Frownfelter’s experience ranges from NICU, to medical/surgical critical care in large medical centers to Skilled Nursing and Home Care. She has worked with the school systems integrating and educating re: children with asthma and children that are ventilator assisted in the classroom and participation in the community. She is currently very involved with patient groups through the Respiratory Health Association of Metropolitan Chicago and other special groups to promote Mindful Breathing and Self Care. She has taught CVP Physical Therapy for over 35 years at Northwestern University Physical Therapy and Human Movement Sciences and is currently full time faculty at Rosalind Franklin University of Medicine and Science, the College of Health Professions, Physical Therapy Department. Rosalind Franklin University is a proponent on Interprofessional Team Practice and Dr. Frownfelter has been very involved with that concept for maximal patient outcomes. She is also the Program Director for their online Transition Doctor of Physical Therapy program.
Disclosure: Financial: Donna Frownfelter receives a speaking fee from Education Resources as well as royalties from Mosby Publishers. Non Financial: She has no non financial relationships to disclose
"Donna Frownfelter is an enthusiastic speaker who
engages her audience - she makes you want to continue
learning. She provides a wealth of significant and
practical information that can immediately be used in
the clinic. I highly recommend this course to all
therapists to enhance your knowledge and
understanding of the cardiac and pulmonary systems
and applicable interventions." -Katerina Liapis, PT
"Donna is a rare type of clinician in that she has several
years of experience and not only as a PT but also as
a respiratory therapist. She has seen the profession
evolve and has a unique perspective to offer. As she
is also an educator in academia, she has perfected
delivery of material. I am truly glad to have been to this
course!" -Ashley Crow, PT
"Donna is fantastically dynamic, knowledgeable, and
personable. The information was well organized,
presented and very functional." -Tara M. Cole, MPT
"Excellent course in its scope and depth. Ms. Frownfelter
has a wonderful sense of humor and uses it to good
effect. She presents useful information for practical
clinical application." -Thomas Basseches, OTR
26 W171 Roosevelt Road
Wheaton, IL 60187
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This course meets the criteria for 13 contact hours (1.3 CEU's).
Approved provider of continuing education by the American Occupational Therapy Association #3043 for 13 Contact Hours (1.3 CEU's) - Intermediate level, Occupational Therapy Process: Assessment, Intervention. The assignment of AOTA CEU’s does not imply endorsement of specific course content, products or clinical procedures by AOTA.