TBI: Tools and Strategies to Promote Recovery for the Moderately-Severely Challenged-LIVE WEBINAR and Online Courses -Two Sessions

Andrew Packel, Kimberly Miczak


December 3, 2020 - December 10, 2020LIVE WEBINAR
This course is not available for registration. Existing registrants are able to view the course and take the exam. Please use our search feature to find many other exceptional CEU courses.

NEW! Live Webinar for Therapists. Two Sessions 8.5 Contact Hours (.85 CEUs)
Also includes 2 online sessions for an additional 5 Contact Hours (.5 CEUs)
December 3, 10, 2020
3:40 pm EST • 2:40 pm CST • 1:40 pm MST • 12:40 pm PST (US)
This course will provide a framework and utilize video-based cases to provide optimal evaluation, assessment, and treatment strategies for individuals with moderate to severe traumatic brain injuries.