Complete three sessions for 9 contact hours (.9 CEUs)
April 20, 27, and May 4, 2022
5:40 pm EST • 4:40 pm CST • 3:40 pm MST • 2:40 pm PST (US)
Course Description:
Learn successful neuromuscular facial retraining therapy strategies and techniques for treating patients with facial nerve disorders (even the most challenging cases). Recognize facial nerve disorders by etiologies, symptoms, and manifestations including Bell’s palsy, Ramsay Hunt syndrome, facial nerve tumors, acoustic neuroma, Herpes zoster and simplex, infections, head trauma, post-COVID-19, Guillian-Barre’ syndrome, Miller-Fisher syndrome, Melkerson Rosenthal, birth (congenital and acquired), post-surgical reanimation, Lyme’s disease, and toxicity. Assessments of facial nerve grading scales, bilateral surface electromyography, video application assessments (APP), synkinesis, and muscle tone will be presented. This course offers the rehabilitation clinician an additional frame of reference for treatment that can positively affect patient’s function, eyelid mobility and eye protection, perception, expression, speech, self-care, motor skills/tone, facial symmetry, self-image, quality of life, and improvement of abnormal movement patterns, synkinesis, and hemifacial spasm. Participants will then apply this new information through case studies and practice sessions.
Course Objectives
- Describe neuromuscular facial retraining process
- Apply anatomy/physiology of Cranial Nerve VII (facial) for facial function, dysfunction, and neuroplasticity
- Recognize etiologies that cause facial paralysis and prognosis
- Describe facial assessments of grading scales, tone, synkinesis, and surface EMG
- Demonstrate evidence-based treatment techniques for muscles, expression, function, and eye care
- Demonstrate understanding of indications and contraindications of treatments and modalities
Gaye W. Cronin is a master clinician specializing in vestibular and facial nerve rehabilitation having treated more than 30,000 patients suffering from vestibular or facial nerve disorders. She serves as the director of Vestibular & Facial Nerve Atlanta. Dr. Cronin has experienced a high rate of success in the elimination and reduction of facial paralysis, vertigo and balance dysfunctions, and improvement of function, safety, and mobility through rehabilitation. She has successfully applied these evidence-based treatments with a variety of diagnoses and ages. Dr. Cronin has published extensively in medical and therapy journals and has conducted numerous national and international instructional courses for occupational therapists, physical therapists, audiologists, and physicians. She received her Bachelor of Science and Masters degrees from the Medical College of Georgia, and her Doctorate of Occupational Therapy from the University of St. Augustine for Health Sciences. Disclosure: Financial: Gaye Cronin receives a speaking fee from Education Resources, Inc. Non-Financial: She has no non-financial relationships to disclose.
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Continuing Education Hours for disciplines not listed below: 9 contact hours (0.9 CEUs). Intermediate level. License #______________.
Education Resources, Inc. is an AOTA Approved Provider of professional development. Provider #3043. This Distance Learning-Interactive Course is offered at 9 Contact Hours (0.9 CEUs). Intermediate level, OT Service Delivery. AOTA does not endorse specific course content, products, or clinical procedures. This course can be used toward your NBCOT renewal requirements for 9 units. Provider for the FL Occupational Therapy Association CE Broker for 10.5 CE Hours - approval #20-862812.
ASHA CEUs are awarded by the ASHA CE Registry upon receipt of the CEU Participant Form from the ASHA. Approved CE Provider for up to 0.9 CEU’s.
Approved by the FL Physical Therapy Association for 10.5 CE Hours - approval #CE22-862812. Course meets the basic criteria of the MD Board of Physical Therapy Examiners for 0.9 CEU's. Approved by the MN Board of Physical Therapy for 9 CE Hours, #2121. Approval #2022-77 by the NJ State Board of Physical Therapy Examiners for 9 CEC's.
Approved sponsor by the State of IL Department of Financial and Professional Regulation for Physical Therapy for 10.5 contact hours. Approved provider by the NY State Board of Physical Therapy for 10.5 contact hours (1.05 CEUs).
Education Resources is an approved agency by the PT Board of CA for 9 contact hours. Approved by the APTA Kentucky, A Chapter of the American Physical Therapy Association, for 9 Category 1 contact hour(s). Expiration Date: 3/6/23, approval #CS64-2010-KPTA. This activity is provided by the TX Board of PT Examiners accredited provider #2210017TX for 9 CCUs and meets continuing competence requirements for PTs and PTAs licensure renewal in TX.
9 hours of this course qualify towards the discipline-specific hours for the 20-hour requirement for NDTA re-certification. They do NOT qualify towards the 8-hour NDTA Instructor requirement for re-certification.
Education Resources Inc., 266 Main Street, Suite 1, Medfield, MA 02052 508-359-6533