Live Webinar for Therapists.
Complete both Sessions for 13.5 Contact Hours (1.35 CEUs)
April 23 and 30, 2022
9:40 am EST • 8:40 am CST • 7:40 am MST • 6:40 am PST (US)
This course is designed to inspire clinicians to promote best practices in the ICU that increase functional outcomes for patients by using functional treatments. Numerous treatment options and ideas will be discussed from transfers to ambulation and positioning to exercises. Lab values, medications, mechanical ventilation, assistive devices, and evidence-based research will be discussed.
ICU and Acute Care Update-LIVE WEBINAR-Two Sessions
Chris Wells- COURSE
Live Webinar for Therapists. Complete both Sessions for 13.5 Contact Hours (1.35 CEUs)
April 23 and 30, 2022
9:40 am EST • 8:40 am CST • 7:40 am MST • 6:40 am PST (US)
Course Description
Therapists working with patients in ICU face complex challenges. An important clinical scenario found in patients during an ICU stay is the limitation and deterioration of functional status. For selected patients in ICU, early mobility and physical activity can lead to an increase in functional capacity and improve quality of life. It is also possible to have an associated decreased length of hospital stay and subsequent reduction in hospital costs. The content of this course will guide clinicians through the process of understanding and managing adult ICU patients from patient selection, therapeutic interventions to choice of outcome measures. This course is also designed to inspire clinicians to reflect on and understand the clinical principles which promote best practices and positively influence the recovery of patients in ICU
At the end of this course the learner will be able to:
- Identify relevant medical information and equipment settings in the environment of the ICU that influences decision-making during the evaluation and treatment of a patient.
- Apply at least two current literature and evidenced-based trends to progress functional recovery for patients that suffer critical illness.
- Apply exercise physiology principles to prescribe an effective exercise program.
- Implement an integrative rehabilitation plan to address pulmonary dysfunction.
- Analyze the complexity of critical illness via a case scenario to develop an evaluation and intervention approach to provide comprehensive care.
Chris Wells
Chris Wells is a Cardiovascular and Pulmonary Clinical Specialist in the Department of Rehabilitation Services at the University of Maryland Medical Center. She is a Fellow in the American College of Critical Care Medicine. She delivers patient care in the intensive care setting and assists with program and staff development, clinical competencies, and oversees clinical research opportunities for therapists. Dr. Wells holds a bachelor’s degree and advanced master’s degree in physical therapy and was awarded a Doctor of Philosophy in Education, Department of Developmental Movement, from the University of Pittsburgh. She holds an appointment as Associate Professor, Adjunct position, at the University of Maryland School of Medicine in the Department of Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation Science where she lectures in the areas of cardiopulmonary dysfunction, and rehabilitation and acute care practice. She is an active member within the Academy of Cardiopulmonary of the American Physical Therapy Association. Dr. Wells’ line of funded research is in the rehabilitation and functional outcomes for the older adult suffering critical illness and hospital acquired disability.
Chris Wells receives an honorarium from Education Resources, Inc.
She has no relevant nonfinancial relationships to disclose.
"Chris speaks with enthusiasm and passion presenting her information clearly with solid experience backing her up.I left the seminar feeling prepared to do a better job working in ICU/CCU." -Janet Duxbury, PT
"Chris is invigorating! Her passion and expertise seep through her skin and into your brain. This course is a must for any OT or PT working in the ICU." -N DeNicoloa, OT
"Chris's passion and energy about the care of patients with critical illness is truly inspirational! I have been to many of her courses and can never hear the material too many times." -T. Haney, PT
"This course is an absolute must for anyone who works in an ICU setting." -Lisa Gentzler, PT
"This is the ICU education I should have had since day one! Thank you! Chris had a passion for her work resembling almost her passion in life. It was inspiring to learn from her and I'm looking forward to implementing my new found skills to change lives." -Chris, OT

Continuing Education Hours for disciplines not listed below: 13.5 contact hours (1.35 CEUs). Intermediate level. License #______________.
Education Resources Inc. is an AOTA Approved Provider of professional development. Course approval ID# 04290. This Distance Learning-Interactive Course is offered at 13.5 contact hours 1.35 CEUs, Intermediate Level, OT Service Delivery & Foundational Knowledge. AOTA does not endorse specific course content, products, or clinical procedures.
This course can be used toward your NBCOT renewal requirements for 13.5 units. Provider for the FL Occupational Therapy Association CE Broker for 16 CE Hours - approval #20-765289.
ASHA CEUs are awarded by the ASHA CE Registry upon receipt of the CEU Participant Form from the ASHA. Approved CE Provider for up to 1.35 CEU’s.
Approved by the FL Physical Therapy Association for 16 CE Hours - approval #CE22-765289. Course meets the basic criteria of the MD Board of Physical Therapy Examiners for 1.35 CEU's. Approved by the MN Board of Physical Therapy for 13.5 CE Hours, #6118. Approval #2022-79 by the NJ State Board of Physical Therapy Examiners for 13.5 CEC's. Approved by the NM Board of Physical Therapy for 13.5 CE Hours. This course has been approved by the NV State Board of Physical Therapy Examiners for 13.5 units of continuing education. Approved by OK State Board of PT course #202311620 for 13.5 CEU hours, 1.35 CEUs.
Approved sponsor by the State of IL Department of Financial and Professional Regulation for Physical Therapy for 16 contact hours. Approved provider by the NY State Board of Physical Therapy for 16 contact hours (1.6 CEUs).
Education Resources is an approved agency by the PT Board of CA for 13.5 contact hours. Approved by the KY Physical Therapy Association for 13.5 Category 1 contact hours, expiration Date: 3/6/23, approval # CS64-2010-KPTA. This activity is provided by the TX Board of PT Examiners accredited provider #2210017TX for 13.5 CCUs and meets continuing competence requirements for PTs and PTAs licensure renewal in TX.
12 hours of this course qualify towards the discipline-specific hours for the 20-hour requirement for NDTA re-certification. They do NOT qualify towards the 8-hour NDTA Instructor requirement for re-certification.
Education Resources Inc., 266 Main Street, Suite 1, Medfield, MA 02052 508-359-6533