Executive Function and Interoception: Using Interoception as a Building Block for Theory of Mind and Executive Function Skills - On-Demand

Cara Koscinski


March 9, 2025 - Venue TBD
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This session is available as part of these two comprehensive series. Register for

Therapies in the School 23rd Annual Conference 2022 DAY TWO ON DEMAND 9


Therapies in the School 23rd Annual Conference 2022 - ON DEMAND 9

Children in school often show dysregulation that manifests in the form of meltdowns, decreased ability to focus, and incongruency in intelligence versus actual performance. This session discusses regulation and the importance of interoception as a gateway to theory of mind. Children who do not possess interoceptive awareness cannot reflect on other’s emotions. Therefore, theory of mind should be tied to interoceptive training. Linking both to executive function will improve therapeutic outcomes and success in the classroom.