How to Address Vestibular Impairments in the Classroom: Bridging Teachers and Therapists - On-Demand

Kay de Veer


July 26, 2024 - Venue TBD
This course is not available for registration. Existing registrants are able to view the course and take the exam. Please use our search feature to find many other exceptional CEU courses.

This session is available as part of these two comprehensive series. Register for

Therapies in the School 23rd Annual Conference 2022 DAY TWO ON DEMAND 9


Therapies in the School 23rd Annual Conference 2022 - ON DEMAND 9

Dive deeper into how the vestibular system directly supports learning in the elementary school classroom. Learn how to use a teacher-friendly vestibular screener to identify a possible area of concern and gain simple classroom-friendly strategies to support the vestibular system and learning.