Embedding PT Services in the School Environments - ON-DEMAND

Valerie Clevenger


March 28, 2025 - Venue TBD
This course is not available for registration. Existing registrants are able to view the course and take the exam. Please use our search feature to find many other exceptional CEU courses.

This session is available as part of these two comprehensive series. Register for

Therapies in the School 23rd Annual Conference 2022 DAY ONE- ON DEMAND 9


Therapies in the School 23rd Annual Conference 2022 - ON DEMAND 9

We know how important it is for all students to participate in school and learn alongside their peers, yet school-based physical therapists often struggle with how to embed those services into the student’s school routine. Learn strategies to increase your ability to embed services; how participation goals assist in providing embedded services; and how to write individualized education plans to reflect embedded practice.  We will also discuss alternative service delivery options that still take place within the student's natural environments and routines, but with an opportunity to further tailor the time to an individual student's need who may not benefit from fully embedded services.