Feeling Frustrated with Dysregulated Students and Staff? Learn to Use the Neurobiology of Connection to Address Challenging Behaviors - ON-DEMAND

Amy Lewis


December 26, 2024 - Venue TBD
This course is not available for registration. Existing registrants are able to view the course and take the exam. Please use our search feature to find many other exceptional CEU courses.

This session is available as part of these two comprehensive series. Register for

Therapies in the School 23rd Annual Conference 2022 DAY ONE- ON DEMAND 9


Therapies in the School 23rd Annual Conference 2022 - ON DEMAND 9

Working in schools these days means addressing dysregulation, regardless of your job description. Kids are struggling, teachers are struggling, and strategies that got results in the past are no longer working. Fortunately, the latest research in the relational neurosciences gives us new information, effective strategies, and hope for the future. This course will identify the neurobiological foundations of self-regulation and teach you evidenced based strategies for increasing regulatory capacity in your students, staff, and yourself.