Reframing School-Based Therapy to Embrace Strengths and Cultivate Autonomy in Autistic Students - ON-DEMAND

Kristin Jones


February 22, 2025 - Venue TBD
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This session is part of two comprehensive series:

Therapies in the School 24th Annual Conference PROGRAM A - ON-DEMAND 10
Therapies in the School 24th Annual Conference 2023 - ON-DEMAND 10

This session, led by an autistic OT, will provide evidence-informed reasons to incorporate autistic students' strengths into school-based therapy. Master assessment tools and learn practical strategies to develop strengths-based remedial goals as well as neurodiversity-affirming goals and accommodations. Acquire leadership strategies to steer schools through the process of change, reframing deficit-based assumptions and language of IEP documents and embrace approaches of active listening and a growth mindset to counter natural pushback from staff.