Pediatric Vestibular Therapy: Young Children Through Adolescents - ON-DEMAND

Inger Brueckner
March 27, 2025 - Venue TBD

This updated edition of Inger Brueckner's Pediatric Vestibular Rehabilitation course includes more than 75 references from just the last 5 years. Like before, she covers anatomy, function and development of the vestibular system, while presenting current research findings to guide effective treatment for various conditions and functional impairments. Brueckner shares how specific diagnoses relate to vestibular dysfunction; including POTS, COVID, cancer, cerebral palsy, hearing loss and other neurological disorders in children. She addresses balance complexity and entropy in postural sway; multi-canal issues with BPPV; and medication effects on the vestibular system. Participants will deepen their understanding of the connection between vestibular development, motor performance and typical skill development in children and adolescents.