When Reading Hinders Writing: Deciphering Vision Problems from Dyslexia - ON-DEMAND

Robert Constantine


March 13, 2025 - Venue TBD
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This session is part of two comprehensive series:

Therapies in the School 25th Annual Conference PROGRAM A - ON-DEMAND 11
Therapies in the School 25th Annual Conference 2024 - ON-DEMAND 11

School-based referrals are often generated when a child is skipping words when reading. “Poor tracking” may be cited as the cause but is this the root of the problem or just tip of the iceberg? The course will present the basics of objective saccade assessment.  It will share real life examples of the signs that skipping words may be more than just “poor tracking” then present treatment ideas to improve the visual deficits associated with reading problems.  Recognizing the early signs of dyslexia can help a child get the help they really need.