This session is part of two comprehensive series:
Therapies in the School 25th Annual Conference PROGRAM B – ON-DEMAND 11
Therapies in the School 25th Annual Conference 2024 – ON-DEMAND 11
We all know the importance of a student’s physical and mental wellness in terms of school success, but what about a student’s sensory health? In this short course, the concept of sensory health and its application to school-based practice will be defined and examined. Assessing for sensory “goodness of fit” across a student’s individual sensory capacities, sensory-based task demands, and environmental sensory features will be discussed. Sensory supportive take-aways and strategies will be shared for immediate application to school settings for both the consultative and direct treatment service delivery models.
- Determine the 3 components of sensory health for a student.
- Select an assessment tool that provides applicable sensory data for a student.
- Choose a sensory-health based strategy that applies to a student’s engagement and participation in the school context.
School-Based Therapists
Introduction of Concept of Sensory Health
- Us as sensory beings
- Concept of sensory health
- Breaking down each domain of sensory health: sensory capacities of student, sensory demands of task, sensory features of environment
- Interactive component
Assessment for Sensory Health in the Schools
- What components need to be part of sensory-focused assessment
- Top down, bottom up assessing and related tools
- Using impact statements to synthesize findings
- Interactive component
Strategies for Supporting Sensory Health in the School
- Sensory subtype intervention guidelines
- Introduction to ASECRET collaborative problem-solving tool (Miller & Bialar, 2011)
- Planning for an identified student on caseload
- Q and A
Mim Ochsenbein, MSW, OTR/L has been a practicing pediatric occupational therapist for over 28 years. She received her BSc in Occupational Therapy from the University of Southern California (USC) in 1996 and her MSW from the University of California-Los Angeles (UCLA) in 2012. She has received advanced training in sensory integration (SIPT certification, STAR ProCert1, STAR ProCert2), listening therapy (Therapeutic Listening, iLs), feeding therapy (SOS), DIR, mental health (DC:0-5 Diagnostic Classification of Mental Health Disorders of Infancy and Early Childhood), and infant massage (CIMI). Her work in occupational therapy with children and youth has occurred in a variety of settings including early intervention, school based, clinic based, mental health and private practice. As a social worker, she provided case management, program development, and program management for the Junior Blind of America. Mim has taught both university level (California State-Dominguez Hills) and professional continuing education courses since 2013, spoken internationally, and has co-authored works for professional publications. She held director positions at STAR Institute from 2017-2024 at the invitation of Dr. Lucy Jane Miller, PhD, FAOTA, OTR.
Mim Ochsenbein receives an honorarium from Education Resources.
Mim Ochsenbein has no relevant nonfinancial relationships to disclose.
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Once you purchase an online course, you will have the opportunity to take an exam to test your retention of the material. If you have purchased this course, please ensure you have logged in to your account in order to take the exam. The exam must be completed with a pass rate of 80% or more in order to receive your certificate of attendance.
This course meets the criteria for 3 contact hours (0.3 CEUs) Intermediate Level. License #______________. Education Resources Inc. is an AOTA Approved Provider of professional development. Course approval ID#10721. This Distance Learning-Independent course is offered at 3 contact hours, 0.3 CEUs. (Intermediate level, OT Service Delivery & Professional Issues). AOTA does not endorse specific course content, products or clinical procedures. This course can be used toward your NBCOT renewal requirements for 3 units. Approved Provider for the FL Occupational Therapy Association CE Broker for 3.5 CE Hours - CE Broker #20-1284070. This course has been approved by the MD State Board of Physical Therapy Examiners for __ Continuing Education Hours. Approval #_____ by the NJ State Board of Physical Therapy Examiners for _____ CEC's. Approved sponsor by the State of IL Department of Financial and Professional Regulation for Physical Therapy for 3.5 contact hours. Approved provider by the NY State Board of Physical Therapy for 3.5 contact hours (0.35 CEUs). Education Resources, Inc. is an approved provider for Physical Therapy CEUs in the following states: CA, OK and TX. The following state boards of physical therapy accept other states’ approval: AK, AR, AZ, DC, DE, GA, HI, ID, IN, KS, KY, MA, MI, MO, MS, NC, OR, PA, RI, SC, UT, VA, VT, WI, WY. The following state boards of physical therapy either do not require course pre-approval or do not require CEUs for re-licensure: AL, CO, CT, IA, ME, MT, NE, ND, NH, SD, WA. 3 hours of this course qualify towards the discipline-specific hours for the 20-hour requirement for NDTA re-certification. They do NOT qualify towards the 8-hour NDTA Instructor requirement for re-certification.
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