This on-demand course features five (5) sessions (11 contact hours – 1.1 CEUs) recorded from Therapies in the School 25th Annual Conference 2024. See the sessions offered below, download the Brochure for full details HERE.
Group Rate:
Purchase one $399 Program A, register up to 9 additional participants (CEU certificates) for $95/person. Contact for group rates. Please share this offer with your colleagues and staff!
Don’t Tell Me What to Say!: Neurodiversity-Affirming Strategies for Working with Complex Communicators
Alexandra Nelson, SLP
How do you communicate with complex communicators, including AAC users? Learn what many Autistic and neurodivergent adults have experienced and how to replace outdated methods with contemporary, evidence backed practices to foster inclusion, autonomy and flexible language use.
Connecting the Dots: Determining Educational Impact Through the Evaluation Process
Denise Swenson, PT
Improve your school-based evaluations to more competently and confidently answer the question of
whether or not a student has needs that may require your specialized services. Understand the difference between an assessment vs evaluation and what a top-down approach means. Better articulate and embrace the differences between the educational and medical models of therapy.
How to be An Effective Member of the IEP Team: Creating Reports and Goals That Matter
Denise Swenson, PT
Dive deeper into the evaluation process by dissecting evaluation reports for the information all stakeholders want and need in a comprehensive report. Utilize a participation-focused framework as you create SMART student goals that are discipline free. Design intervention plans that meet the student’s needs while determining appropriate dosage. Be the effective IEP team member professionals, families and students all want on their team!
When Reading Hinders Writing: Deciphering Vision Problems from Dyslexia
Robert Constantine, OT
School-based referrals for OT are often generated when a child is skipping words when reading. “Poor tracking” may be cited as the cause but is this the root of the problem or just tip of the iceberg? Learn the basics of objective saccade assessment using real life examples and treatment ideas to improve the visual deficits associated with reading problems.
Building Blocks: ADHD and Executive Function Interventions for Different Ages and Developmental Stages
Lori Flynn, OT
Explore the intricate relationship between executive function skills, ADHD and academic success starting in preschool and continuing through graduation. Learn what to expect and when to expect it when it comes to the emergence and refinement of EF skills for the age and developmental stage of your students. Gain practical approaches to implement interventions that support executive function skills, tailored for the preschooler through the high school graduate.
Alexandra “Alex” Nelson is a current Speech-Language Pathologist for a public school system, and a prospective Special Education administrator eager to share her extensive knowledge base acquired through the support of, programming for, and deeply rooted relationships with a wide range of disabled students, ages 3-22. Alex has also done contract-based work to provide comprehensive AAC evaluations to students in the public-school setting. She is an ardent advocate for neurodiversity, accessibility, and inclusive practices, specifically with respect to students who may have distinct learning styles, complex communication needs, and/or may be doubly marginalized. Alex loves the school setting primarily because of the ability to collaborate with various professionals more efficiently for the greater good of the student. To best meet all of her students’ needs and facilitate a “reframing” of their profiles from a strengths-based lens, Alex has orchestrated several building-based Professional Development sessions about neurodiversity and inclusive practices for classroom teachers, and designed and implemented communication boards for all preschool, elementary, and town park playgrounds in her past school district to enhance communication among neurotypical and neurodivergent peers through play. Above all, Alex enjoys collaborating with families and students, and facilitating PPTs for students with more complex profiles to ensure that students’ desires are amplified, and programming is comprehensive and aligned to general education standards.
Alexandra Nelson receives an honorarium from Education Resources.
Alexandra Nelson has no relevant nonfinancial relationships to disclose.
Denise Swensen, DPT, has over 30 years of experience working in Maryland public schools, in Early Intervention and with school-aged children. As a clinical leader, she has been a Part C to Part B Transition Specialist at the county level, an APTA CCI, and chairperson of APTA Pediatric Section work groups that developed the Part C to Part B Discipline-Free Guidelines for Providers & Families and the Part C to Part B transition form for PT providers. Denise serves as the Maryland State Pediatric Advocate Liaison and is a member of both the EI and School-Based SIGS of the Academy of Pediatrics of the APTA. She has presented on various pediatric topics at the local and national levels. Denise graduated first from New York University and next with her DPT from University of Texas Medical Branch, where she earned a certificate in Specialized Training for Occupational and Physical Therapists in Early Intervention and Related Services (STAIRS). Outside of her professional role, Denise enjoys fly fishing, camping, hiking and sailing and has traveled all over in pursuit of beautiful trout which are lovingly admired and then released back to their home.
Denise Swensen receives a honorarium from Education Resources.
Denise Swensen has no relevant nonfinancial relationships to disclose.
Lori Flynn is a practicing school-based occupational therapist with over two decades of continuous experience working in the public school system. She holds a master’s degree in occupational therapy and is certified as an ADHD practitioner and parent coach. As the founder of, Lori is committed to providing school-based professionals with effective, research-based strategies to support both students with ADHD and their teachers. Her expertise and passion are driven by ongoing continuing education and lived experience.
Lori Flynn receives a speaking fee from Education Resources. Lori also has ownership interest and intellectual property rights in OT4ADHD LLC.
Lori Flynn has no non-financial relationships to disclose.
Robert Constantine, OTRL provides vision rehabilitation services to pediatric and adult patients at the Pearl Nelson Center in Pensacola, Florida. His passion for vision started when he worked as the clinical specialist in brain injury at the West Florida Rehabilitation Institute. It was here he developed a passion for evidenced-based treatment, sharing information and the functional effects of the visual system. Beginning in 2013, he enjoyed a 3-year tenure at an optometry practice where he learned techniques working closely with low vision, pediatric and adult optometrists. He has completed Clinical Level 1 and 2 training offered by the Neuro-Optometric Rehab Association.
Robert was also trained in sports vision training working with the High Performance Vision Associates, a national group of optometrists that offer sports vision screenings to elite athletes. He developed specialized Drag Racing Glasses and has worked with NHRA Sportsman and Professional Drag Racers.
Robert has presented vision related courses since 2016, presenting throughout the US to therapists, hospital systems and school systems. His courses are engaging and full of personal experience and the latest evidence-based research.
Robert has an online presence with a blog at, a Facebook Page at Vision Rehab OT and a YouTube channel at Vision Rehab OT.
Robert Constantine receives a honorarium from Education Resources. Robert also has a Board Membership role with CIAO Seminars and receives royalties. Robert receives a royalty for teaching and speaking with Miss Jaime OT and with PESI.
Robert Constantine has no relevant nonfinancial relationships to disclose.
Once you purchase an online course you will have access to the course materials. If you have purchased this course, please ensure you have logged in to your account in order to take the exam.
Once you purchase an online course, you will have the opportunity to take an exam to test your retention of the material. If you have purchased this course, please ensure you have logged in to your account in order to take the exam. The exam must be completed with a pass rate of 80% or more in order to receive your certificate of attendance.
This course meets the criteria for 11 contact hours (1.1 CEUs) Intermediate Level. License #______________. Education Resources Inc. is an AOTA Approved Provider of professional development. Course approval ID#10721. This Distance Learning-Independent course is offered at 11 contact hours, 1.1 CEUs. (Intermediate level, OT Service Delivery & Professional Issues). AOTA does not endorse specific course content, products or clinical procedures. This course can be used toward your NBCOT renewal requirements for 11 units. Approved Provider for the FL Occupational Therapy Association CE Broker for 13.5 CE Hours - CE Broker #20-1284070. Application has been made to ASHA. ASHA CEUs are awarded by the ASHA CE Registry upon receipt of the CEU Participant Form from the ASHA. This course has been approved by the MD State Board of Physical Therapy Examiners for __ Continuing Education Hours. Approval #_____ by the NJ State Board of Physical Therapy Examiners for _____ CEC's. Approved sponsor by the State of IL Department of Financial and Professional Regulation for Physical Therapy for 13.5 contact hours. Approved provider by the NY State Board of Physical Therapy for 13.5 contact hours (1.35 CEUs). Education Resources, Inc. is an approved provider for Physical Therapy CEUs in the following states: CA, OK and TX. The following state boards of physical therapy accept other states’ approval: AK, AR, AZ, DC, DE, GA, HI, ID, IN, KS, KY, MA, MI, MO, MS, NC, OR, PA, RI, SC, UT, VA, VT, WI, WY. The following state boards of physical therapy either do not require course pre-approval or do not require CEUs for re-licensure: AL, CO, CT, IA, ME, MT, NE, ND, NH, SD, WA. 11 hours of this course qualify towards the discipline-specific hours for the 20-hour requirement for NDTA re-certification. They do NOT qualify towards the 8-hour NDTA Instructor requirement for re-certification.
Education Resources Inc. 266 Main St, Suite 12, Medfield, MA 02052 • 800-487-6530