As cardiovascular health takes on a greater focus under the Affordable Care Act opportunities for therapists to take on a greater role in this area will be rapidly expanding.
The current era of health reform in the United States that has been stimulated by the Affordable Care Act provides an ideal opportunity to reconsider worksite health programs as an essential partner in the health care team.
Are you up-to-date in addressing the latest management of cardiovascular disease and cardiac complications?
We offer relevant CEU courses that will benefit your practice:
Improving Outcomes for the Medically Complex Patient: Acute Care, Home, Rehab, SNF, OPD
Suzanne Clark
Management of Acutely Ill Patients: An Evidence Based Approach from a Cardiopulmonary Perspective
Komal Deokule
Maximizing Cardiovascular and Pulmonary Function in Patients to Decrease Re-Admissions and Reach Optimal Outcomes. If You Can’t Breathe Nothing Else Matters
Donna Frownfelter