NEW COURSE! Babies and Beyond: Facilitating Function with Strategies that Grow

New Course for Pediatric Therapists!

Therapeutic handling and facilitation doesn’t stop with babies, and it doesn’t stay static through childhood, either. Through the framework of the NDTA Contemporary Practice Model, attendees will embrace the dynamic progression of motor development for children with neuromuscular conditions.

Join ERI’s dynamic speaker and NDT expert faculty member, Colleen Carey, DPT, C/NDT, for her new, informative webinar: Babies and Beyond: Facilitating Function with Strategies that Grow – April 3 & 4, 2025

Which of my Clients Need Me to Take this Course? 

Here’s a good case example – picture a school-aged child with pervasive participation challenges that encompass daily living, functional mobility, and pre-academic skills. Where to even start with your intervention? One path could lead to the child performing splinter skills inconsistently and out of context. Another path could focus solely on foundational skills without linking balance, weight shifting, and alignment to meaningful participation. In this course, you’ll learn how to blend those paths to address the neuromuscular impairments that impact participation. 

What might handling and facilitation strategies look like as children grow from babies and toddlers who require hands-on facilitation to school-aged kids who continue to have participation challenges due to neuromuscular impairments? How can you use the foundational motor skills and patterns in a functional and practical way with children who are no longer babies or toddlers learning to roll over? Learn the benefits of skillfully using planes and patterns of movement that promote functional participation in childhood tasks. 

This course is all about progression, using hands-on labs to learn and experience planes of movement. Gain clarity in why to work in one plane vs. another. Make adjustments to your facilitation and handling to set the right intention for the child’s movement. Know why using the transverse vs. frontal plane matters when you’re building those foundational movement skills of alignment, weight shifting, and dynamic balance. 

Who Would Benefit Most from Taking this Course? 

Early Intervention, Birth to 3 providers who also work in outpatient, private clinics, and schools will appreciate learning a continuum of intervention strategies, rather than focusing solely on babies/toddlers or school-age kids. Meet your clients where they are and together, grow their participation and function in daily activities! 

Have You Learned with ERI’s Colleen Carey Yet?  

If not, here’s your chance! See some of the wonderful feedback we’ve received from other therapists who have taken another one of Colleen Carey’s ERI courses:

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