We are seeking your advice and input on revising our current course addressing advanced clinical practice for NICU therapists. While the course is constantly updated by our distinguished faculty member, Beth McManus, to reflect current evidence based practice, Beth is seeking input on what you, the advanced practice NICU therapist, are challenged by. For those of you who have taken and loved (everybody does!) Beth’s course, please do let us know what additional topics or issues you would like to see added to the course. For those of you who have not yet had the privilege of learning from Beth, please take a look at the outline and let us know if there are additional topics that you are struggling with and would like to see addressed. When we designed this course in 2013, you, the NICU community, provided us with invaluable input so that Beth could design a course to meet your needs. Please do let us how we can help you meet your next level of professional development. Beth will be working on these revisions during this summer. Please click here for the current outline for this workshop. We want to be sure that it meets the needs of the advanced NICU therapist. As a valued member of our community, we would greatly appreciate any feedback, (positive, negative, suggestions, comments) you may have for us.
Thank you so very much