Register before February 29, 2020 and save $100 (use promo code THERAPIES6 at checkout).

For years, school-based therapists have gathered in Boston for ERI’s annual Therapies in the School conference. Touted by many as the must-take conference for therapists working in the classroom, participants learn from experts including Anne Buckley- Reen OTR, RYT, Kim Wiggins, OTR, and Arsenio Paez, BCS-S, DPT, MS, MSCS, PT. But we know it’s not always an option for therapists to attend workshops in person – which is why we are so excited to offer our highly-acclaimed conference in an easy-to-access, convenient, web-based series!
Every school-based therapist can enjoy exceptional education that takes their practice to the next level with Therapies in the School Online Conference 6. The online conference provides a multitude of thought-provoking interventions and quick tools to help children in the classroom, as well as efficient methods to interact with other professionals in the school system. Therapists will return to their classroom re-energized, excited to implement their new skills, and ready to foster growth in students.
The online conference’s eight engaging and motivating sessions include:
- “Mindfulness: Implementation of a School-Wide Program,” Instructor, Anne Buckley-Reen OTR, RYT,
- “The Preschooler who Isn’t Keeping Up,” Instructor Anne Buckley-Reen OTR, RYT,
- “Using Evidence to Support Your Recommendations: Service Delivery, Dosing, IEPs,” Instructor Susan Cecere, PT
- “School-Based Therapy 101: Building Blocks for Success,” Instructor Nicole Barmen, OTR, Kathryn Biel, PT, DPT
- “Praxis is More Than Coordination: Sensory Interventions to Improve Academics, Executive Functioning, and Student Success,” Instructor Judith Kimball, FAOTA, OTR, PhD
- “Best Practices for Collaboration: What’s the Evidence?” Instructor Kim Wiggins, OTR
- “New Strategies for Developing Pre-Writing Skills” AND “Using Technology as a Compensatory Tool for Students Who Can’t Write,” Instructor Kim Wiggins, OTR
- “Applying Motor Learning, Motor Control, and Neuroplasticity to Evidence-Based School Practice,” Instructor Arsenio Paez, BCS-S, DPT, MS, MSCS, PT
Therapies in the School Online Conference 6 is approved for 22 contact hours (2.2 CEUs) and approved by AOTA and ASHA. Registrants receive access to the online courses and handouts for one full year.

Order the online series now through February 29, 2020, and receive special pricing of $499 ($100 savings-use promo code THERAPIES6 at checkout). ERI also offers group rates!
Download a conference brochure and share with your school-based therapists and staff. To register or for more information, contact ERI at 800-487-6530 or