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Join ERI and Liesa Persaud for the New LIVE Webinar “Treatment of Motor Issues in Children with Sensory Dysfunction”

boy with his pointer fingers in his ears

ERI and esteemed faculty member Liesa M. Persaud, PT, DPT, PCS, CKTP are joining forces to bring you ERI’s first LIVE webinar, “Treatment of Motor Issues in Children with Sensory Dysfunction.” Liesa, a well-known and engaging instructor will teach you how to utilize “Sensory-Aware” tools for pediatric clients referred for gross motor and sensory-motor challenges.  This interactive, web-based course includes live Q&A sessions, hands-on applications,… Read more »

Attention OTs: Special Offers for ERI’s Online Continuing Education Courses

With the cancellation of this year’s AOTA Conference in Boston, we know that many Occupational Therapists are concerned with earning CEUs and continuing their education. At ERI, we are therapists too and know the importance of learning new techniques and improving your practice. And while times may be uncertain, one thing the OT community can… Read more »

All of Your COVID-19 Questions Answered

Over the past weeks, we have paid close attention to concerns around Coronavirus, also known as COVID-19. We want to keep you informed of the steps we are taking to be responsive to these concerns. Our top priority is always the safety and wellness of our community and together there are preventative measures we can… Read more »

Take Online Courses and Earn CEUs from the Comfort of Home

woman completing a course using her laptop

PTs, OTs, SLPs, and assistants don’t need to travel to earn CEUs and take their practices to the next level. Register for ERI’s web-based online courses and take exceptional courses from world-renowned faculty members from the convenience of the office or home. ERI’s online courses are filmed “live” at an ERI conference and edited into… Read more »

Thankful for a Successful Therapies in the School Conference 2019

attendees at the Therapies in the School conference

Our annual Therapies in the Schools conference took place last week, bringing together more than 250 school-based therapists, inspiring speakers, and resourceful vendors.  We left with a greater understanding of how to identify and treat children experiencing numerous conditions, as well as how to support one another both inside and outside the classroom. The two-day… Read more »