Do you need NDTA Re-certification?
We do offer many NDT courses taught by active NDTA instructors, helping you to meet your required 20 hours of CEUs within 3 years:
Intensive Handling and Problem Solving for Function: An NDT Approach
This intensive course is designed for experienced pediatric physical, occupational, and speech therapists who are interested in improving their problemsolving skills in order to achieve more efficient functional outcomes for children with Neuro-Motor disorders such as Cerebral Palsy and Down Syndrome. Emphasizing a NDT (Neuro-Developmental Treatment) framework, the course will utilize client videos as a basis for problem solving sessions and handling labs. Therapists will have the opportunity to develop realistic short and long-term functional outcomes, analyze multi-system and single-system impairments and develop treatment plans. Labs will focus on handling strategies that address the priority impairments and facilitate optimal control of posture and movement. Collaborative/Carryover strategies for home, school and community will also be discussed. – See more at:

Linda A. Kliebhan is a delightful speaker who is able to share her wealth of knowledge in a clear and engaging manner. As a physical therapist in private practice in Mequon, WI she has accumulated over 30 years experience in pediatrics treating children with cerebral palsy and other neuro-motor disorders. Linda A. Kliebhan, PT, is a NDT coordinator-Instructor teaching the NDT/Bobath Course in the Treatment of Children with Cerebral Palsy, advanced NDT courses and other workshops related to NDT and pediatric therapy. She is also co-founder of Partners for Progress Inc. a nonprofit organization providing and researching intensive therapy. Ms. Kliebhan is also a consultant with the Medical College of Wisconsin Department of Orthopedics.