Therapies in the School 23rd Annual Conference - ON-DEMAND 9

Colleen Whiting, Karen Pryor, Susan Cecere, Valerie Clevenger, Kareen Robbins, Cara Koscinski, Kay de Veer, Cynthia Dodds, Christy Hupka, Amy Barr, Elisa Wern, Amy Lewis


February 21, 2025 - Venue TBD

Complete the full 13-session conference for 31 Contact Hours (3.1 CEUs) This on-demand course features all sessions recorded both days at Therapies in the School 23rd Annual Conference - 2022.

Conference highlights include: the latest research regarding strategies for addressing dysregulation, updates in trauma informed care, how interoception can be used as a building block for executive function skills, how to reduce referrals using RTI and create consistency using an evidenced based approach when evaluating students with autism, how to address vestibular impairments in the classroom, why every school based therapist should be addressing reflexes, how to use UDL to help develop accessible lessons for all students, and how to improve outcomes for the medically complex student.