Therapies in the School 25th Annual Conference - ON-DEMAND 11

Alexandra Nelson, Denise Swensen, Robert Constantine, Sarah Scow, Tim Dokken, Lori Flynn, Addie Segal, Greg Santucci, Lindsay Hartsell, Mim Ochsenbein


March 16, 2025 - Venue TBD

Complete the full 10-session conference for 22.5 Contact Hours (2.25 CEUs). This on-demand course features sessions recorded during the 2-Day Therapies in the School 25th Annual Conference 2024.

Why pick and choose when you can have it all? Greg Santucci's Reframing how we look at Behavior, Lori Flynn's ADHD & executive function interventions across school ages, Robert Constantine's Deciphering Vision Problems from Dyslexia, plus AI, transportation to and around school, sensory health for school engagement and participation, evaluations and goals that matter, PT for neurodivergent students, and better connecting with complex communicators.