Live Webinar for Therapists. Complete both Sessions for 4 Contact Hours (.4 CEUs)
May 19 and 21, 2025- 2 sessions
6:40 pm EST • 5:40 pm CST • 4:40 pm MST • 3:40 pm PST (US)
Taught by Anjali Gupta, PT, MSPT, CLT
Register by April 7, 2025 to receive $15 off your registration. Enter coupon code EARLYBIRD15 at checkout to receive the discount. Must be used at time of registration.
Learning opportunities for therapists and medical professionals involved in pediatrics will transpire through lecture, case reports, group problem solving, video review. The extensive use of pictures and videos throughout the four hours will allow participates to problem solve head shape providing functional ways to evaluate and treat. The presentation will provide evidence-based clinical pathways for management of infant head shape. Differential diagnosis that may lead to head shape differences will be explored. Discussion will concentrate on progressive, effective evaluation and treatment schemes for infants with a diagnosis of plagiocephaly, including challenging cases. Current research and recommendations pertaining to the implications of plagiocephaly and increased use of positional devices will be discussed and incorporated. Red flags for related early infancy and preschool consequences will be appraised. Emphasis on home exercise programs, effective strategies, and long term follow-up to team with parents will be explored.
- Identify three research studies that address the management, prevention and/or treatment of head shape (including helmet criteria) for the diagnosis of plagiocephaly in children
- Choose a treatment strategy that incorporates current research findings and addresses the child’s functional goals
- Recognize the possibility that plagiocephaly/brachycephaly is preventable or can be less impactful to the child and family with early parent education and early referral
- Choose two treatments that reduce or prevent plagiocephaly / brachycephaly in children
- Identify three facilitators and three barriers to helmet treatment.
AUDIENCE: Physical, Occupational & Speech Therapists; Nurses, including NICU, Nurse Practitioners, Orthotists, Physician Assistants, and Physicians
As defined by the APTA; Intermediate – Assumes that participants have a general familiarity with topic (associated diagnosis of torticollis and the environmental changes on head shape). The focus is on increased understanding of differential diagnosis
Anjali Gupta, PT, MSPT, CLT, has been a pediatric physical therapist for more than 20 years specializing in treatment of children with cerebral palsy, torticollis, and NICU. She currently works at Texas Children’s Hospital as the manager of Clinical Education and Research. She provides education programming, mentoring, and develops training programs for therapy staff. She served as the co-chair of programming committee for the APTA Academy of Pediatric Physical Therapy for the national Combined Sections Meeting for several years and is currently the vice – chair of the Neonatology Special Interest Group.
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