ERI is thrilled to welcome Teresa May-Benson to the Therapies in the School Faculty.
With two opportunities to hear her present:
Key note address: Praxis as a Whole Brain Process: How Neuroscience Informs Function and
Dyspraxia: Tools, Treatment & Accommodations
Teresa A. May-Benson, Sc.D., OTR/L, FAOTA, Owner/President of TMB Education and OTR, Inc. and past Executive Director of the SPIRAL Foundation is a well-known lecturer and researcher on sensory integration theory and intervention.

Teresa May-Benson OTR/L, FAOTA, Sc.D.
She has authored numerous book chapters and articles on praxis and sensory integration, and completed her doctoral dissertation on ideational praxis. Dr. May-Benson has a diverse background as a clinical practitioner having worked in private and public school settings as well as private practice. She has been active in conducting research related to sensory integration through the non-profit Spiral Foundation’s Sensory Processing Research Center for over 25 years. She has collaborated with well-known researchers such as Dr. Diane Parham, Dr. Shelly Lane, Dr. Zoe Mailloux, Dr. Sarah Schoen, Dr. Susanne Smith Roley, Dr. Anita Bundy and Dr. Roseann Schaaf through the Sensory Integration Research Collaborative. In her role of educator, she serves as adjunct faculty at Widener University and has been adjunct and part-time faculty at the University of Indianapolis and Tufts University.
She has a special interest in, and extensive experience with autism, particularly older students and adults. Dr. May-Benson received her bachelor’s degree from Ohio State University and her master’s degree from Boston University with a concentration in sensory integration and school system therapy. She was a Maternal and Child Health Fellow in the Doctoral Program in Therapeutic Studies at Boston University. She has received the Virginia Scardinia Award of Excellence from AOTA for her work in ideational praxis. The Alice Bachman Clinician Award from Pediatric Therapy Network and the Catherine Trombley Award from the Massachusetts Association of Occupational Therapists for her work as a research, clinician and instructor. She is a fellow of the American Occupational Therapy Association.
Praxis as a Whole Brain Process: How Neuroscience Informs Function
Linking the neurobiology of praxis to functional performance. This presentation will facilitate participant’s understanding of the neurological underpinnings of behaviors and skills related to praxis and how those functions and dysfunctions impact on performance of everyday life.
Dyspraxia: Tools, Treatment & Accommodations
Praxis challenges are often overlooked or misunderstood in school-based practice. This session will
provide participants with assessment tools, intervention techniques and classroom accommodations that may be used in a school setting to address praxis-related challenges. The various components of praxis will be discussed along with the relationship of praxis to sensory processing and behavior.
Find out more information here:
Therapies in the School Conference 2021
November 18-19, 2021
Create your own track with 5 afternoon sessions to choose from on each day.