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Considering the three components of EBP, therapy has been particularly lacking in the area of research. Conducting high-level research is difficult for many reasons. One of the issues is finding outcome measures that are sensitive enough to measure the changes that the children with neuromotor and sensory dysfunction make.
A format that is sensitive to individual change is coming to the forefront. Goal Attainment Scaling (GAS) has been found to be responsive to this need and is now being recommended for use in clinical practice and in treatment outcomes research (Palisano, 1993; Steenbeck, et al, 2005; Ekstrom, et al, 2005). GAS is an individualized criterion-referenced measure that has been applied in a number of settings. Because goals are criterion-referenced versus norm-referenced it is a tool that is responsive to small but clinically significant change (McDougall & King, 2007). It can be used to determine the effectiveness of interventions with individuals as well as programs.
In the next entry of this blog, I will provide details on the GAS as well as compare and contrast GAS to SMART goals.
What tools are you using to show measurable change in the children’s outcomes? Share them here.