The Critical Role of Physical Therapists in the ICU
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APTA highlights this approach to therapy in the ICU as a model to consider for an Accountable Care Organization. Please click here to view the APTA article and video (you will need to log in to APTA)
Please click here to link to Chris Permes up-coming course in July
Therapists working with patients in ICU face a complex challenge. These patients have limited mobility due to life support, monitoring equipment, multiple medical problems and muscle weakness. For selected patients in ICU, early mobility and walking enhances functional outcomes by optimizing cardiopulmonary and neuromuscular status. Early mobility can lead to an increase in the patient’s quality of life and higher functional capability. It can also potentially reduce length of hospital stay with overall reduced costs. The content of this course will guide clinicians through the process of managing adult ICU patients. Case reports will be presented to demonstrate how the early mobility and walking program in ICU can positively impact the recovery of selected patients.