We’re excited to welcome Athena Oden a highly popular pediatric physical therapist, teacher, and author as she helps us kick off ERI’s annual Therapies in the School Conference. Athena is known across the US for her down-to-earth approach to teaching, the “Ready Bodies, Learning Minds” program, and the practical and powerful nature of her techniques. Her conference session, “Ready Bodies, Learning Minds: Creating Classrooms that Meet the Needs of All Children” will explore the Dynamic Systems Theory and highlights interventions and techniques applicable to all students in all environments. Participants will learn and discuss intrinsic movements, classroom strategies, motor lab application, handwriting, and more.

Conference attendees also have the opportunity to attend Athena’s afternoon workshop “Ready Bodies Learning Minds: Strategies for Special Populations” which will empower and inspire school-based therapists with new approaches for students with Autism Spectrum Disorder, Asperger’s Syndrome, DCD, DDD, and more.
Athena is an engaging, experienced speaker and therapist with a clear mission: To help children perform at their peak, and to help therapists, teachers and parents understand the fundamental issues involved with sensory integration, motor skills, learning, and performance.
Don’t miss this opportunity to learn from Athena in person at the 20th Annual Therapies in the School Conference at the Sheraton Framingham Conference Center & Hotel, conveniently located west of Boston, Massachusetts, and within driving distance of Providence, Rhode Island, Manchester, New Hampshire, and Worcester, Massachusetts.
Register today and learn from industry leader Athena Oden at this year’s Therapies in the School Annual Conference.