As I reflect back on a year that we will all never forget, I want to express my personal and professional gratitude to each and every one of you, our much valued community, who are the foundation that drives ERI to carry our mission forward. We hope that we have helped you to inspire your patients and families who so want to hear good news and who so want to achieve a better quality of life.
I am grateful for our ERI team, a small but mighty crew, who worked tirelessly to pivot the way we deliver our services while keeping the core of our vision and values at the heart of it all. I am especially proud that when the country first started shutting down, the very first thing we did was ask ourselves if there is anything we could do to help the thousands of therapists struggling to help patients on ventilators, even though they perhaps had never worked with this patient population before. I am grateful to Steven Sadowsky who granted us permission and his blessings to offer his 3.5 hour session (part of an online ERI course) on mechanical ventilation to any therapist needing it, free of charge! Over 5,000 therapists took this course and we are grateful to these therapists who have worked tirelessly taking care of patients day after day amid the weight of this year.

Barbara Goldfarb Vice President
I have some bittersweet news to share. Barbara Goldfarb, co-founder and friend, is retiring from ERI to pursue new horizons. Barbara has poured her heart and soul into moving ERI from an “in the basement” company where she and I taught all of the courses to an international company reflecting the changing needs of our therapy community and the ever changing technology of our times. Her dedication, caring and passion has been at the core of ERI. I am sure that you will all join me in wishing her well in this next phase of life.
All of us at ERI hope that you are all staying safe and healthy and finding cause for joy as we usher in a year of hope, 2021!
We look forward to continuing our work to help you improve the lives of the patients and families you serve.
Carol Loria President