June Smith[/caption]
We would like to introduce June Smith OTR/L, and are thrilled to add her to our distinguished list of Faculty members.
June is a dynamic and engaging instructor, is an Occupational Therapist and licensed Brain Gym®Instructor. She has certifications in Sensory Integration, SIPT and Neurodevelopmental Treatment. She brings a wealth of experience from varied setting including her current position as Supervisor of OT Services at a residential/day program with adults /children with developmental challenges and as a consultant/clinician at South Shore Therapies SI clinic. June has more than thirty-five years of experience in the field of O.T. working with individuals who present with a variety of physical, cognitive and behavioral challenges that impact learning. She is certified to teach both basic and advanced courses entitled “Brain Gym® for children who have Special Needs”. She has taught numerous Brain Gym® courses and is a member of the Educational Kinesiology Foundation. In addition, June also works closely with Developmental Optometrists, and collaboratively established a vision clinic to promote visual efficiency.
June is presenting:
Integrating Movement-based Learning into Treatment: An Evidence Based Approach
Please click on the link for a listing of her dates, venues, course description and a brochure.