Returning from our second “NANT experience” was again inspirational and fueled the desire to help provide training for this extraordinary group of therapists.
We spent an amazing three days listening to their needs, suggestions and thoughts for the future and were in awe of their absolute devotion to their babies and parents. For the second year it was a privilege to be a part of the movement to provide optimal care to such a fragile population and their families.

As NANT’s (the National Association of Neonatal Therapists) professional partners in education, Carol, Alyson and I were honored to host our ERI booth in the exhibitor space at the NANT 8 conference in Charlotte, NC. We welcomed so many passionate, dedicated and influential therapists and from the moment we arrived the warmth felt from old friends and new, was overwhelming.
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We were privileged to be able to spend time with many, discuss CEU needs, hear the excitement and need to bring new faculty and courses to their facilities, and also to hear about frustrations and how they want to bring about change, to encourage collaboration and to help aid the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) NICU Verification Program. We admire the absolute passion and drive.
We were very excited to have ERI faculty members Holly Schifsky, Lynn Wolf and Bobbi Pineda join us at the booth to share their expertise. The lines to talk to these experts were deep!
And thrilled to help honor Holly Schifsky as she was awarded the National Association of Neonatal Therapists Excellence in Clinical Practice Award. We were also excited to connect with potential new speakers (watch this space!) about new content and ideas for new courses.

Our heart felt congratulations to Sue Ludwig and Chrysty Sturdivant and their dedicated team for their unwavering support and devotion to this specialized, dedicated group of therapists
For those of you who were there……. stay tuned …. we will be announcing the winners of our raffle very shortly 🙂