We wanted to share this article from the latest Physical Therapy Journal. Education Resources faculty member Dr Hillegass, leads the research team providing project management, fund procurement, and consultation (including review of manuscript before submission) and was involved with concept/idea/research design, writing and data collection and analysis.
Role of Physical Therapists in the Management of Individuals at Risk for or Diagnosed With Venous Thromboembolism: Evidence-Based Clinical Practice Guideline
Ellen Hillegass, Michael Puthoff, Ethel M. Frese, Mary Thigpen, Dennis C. Sobush, Beth Auten
Physical Therapy: Journal of the American Physical Therpay Association DOI: 10.2522/ptj.20150264 Published January 2016
The American Physical Therapy Association (APTA), in conjunction with the Cardiovascular & Pulmonary and Acute Care sections of APTA, have developed this clinical practice guideline to assist physical therapists in their decision-making process when treating patients at risk for venous thromboembolism (VTE) or diagnosed with a lower extremity deep vein thrombosis (LE DVT). No matter the practice setting, physical therapists work with patients who are at risk for or have a history of VTE. This document will guide physical therapist practice in the prevention of, screening for, and treatment of patients at risk for or diagnosed with LE DVT. Through a systematic review of published studies and a structured appraisal process, key action statements were written to guide the physical therapist. The evidence supporting each action was rated, and the strength of statement was determined. Clinical practice algorithms, based on the key action statements, were developed that can assist with clinical decision making. Physical therapists, along with other members of the health care team, should work to implement these key action statements to decrease the incidence of VTE, improve the diagnosis and acute management of LE DVT, and reduce the long-term complications of LE DVT.
Read the Full article here
Ellen Hillegass

Ellen Hillegass, EdD, PT, CCS, FAACVPR, FAPTA, is an experienced educator and clinician, and a dynamic teacher. She is an adjunct associate professor in the DPT program at Mercer University, Western Carolina University, and Touro University. Dr. Hillegass serves as president of Cardiopulmonary Specialists, and is an instructor of continuing education programs across the country. She draws upon her expertise as a board certified cardiovascular and pulmonary clinical specialist to create a clinically relevant classroom experience for her students. Dr. Hillegass is a Fellow of the APTA and has been active in the Cardiovascular and Pulmonary Section for many years as VP and Payment and Policy Chair. She has also been active and is a Fellow of the American Association of Cardiac and Pulmonary Rehabilitation (AACVPR). She is editor of Essentials in Cardiopulmonary Physical Therapy, an entry-level text with the third edition published in 2010, and working on the fourth edition for 2014. She is the author of a clinical notes book titled “PT Clinical NOTes.” Ellen holds a Masters of medical science in cardiopulmonary physiology from Emory University and a doctorate in exercise physiology from the University of Georgia. She received entry level training in physical therapy from the University of Pennsylvania.
We are excited to announce that our distinguished Faculty member, Ellen Hillegass PT, Ph.D., EdD, CCS, FAACVPR, FAPTA has been awarded APTA’s highest honor: The Catherine Worthingham APTA Fellow Award. Please click here to visit APTA and read about Ellen’s achievements (you will need to be logged in to APTA)
Ellen’s Courses:
Mobilizing the Medically Complex ICU and Acute Care Patient (An Evidence-Based Model)
March 19-20, 2016 – Dallas, TX
April 30-May 1, 2016 – Mission Hills, CA