How do you maximize your time and target gait in your interventions with infants and toddlers? This course will focus on pre and early ambulation in a population that is predisposed to rapid and dramatic changes: the birth to three population. We will examine typical and atypical preparation for, and development of, ambulation in the infant and toddler. The impact of biomechanics, the neuromuscular system, the sensory system, orthotics, tone management, and assistive equipment will be integrated as participants learn to build intervention strategies to address ambulation early and effectively in infants and toddlers with diagnoses such as CP, developmental delay, prematurity, and Down Syndrome. Course material will be presented using lecture, videos, lab and group problem solving.

We are thrilled to present this course by Faculty Member: Jan McElroy in multiple locations:
May 3-5, 2013 – Cincinnati, OH
May 9-11, 2013 – Fort Wayne, IN
May 17-19, 2013 – Las Vegas, NV
May 31-June 2, 2013 – Cedar Rapids, IA
June 21-23, 2013 – Hartford, CT
August 2-4, 2013 – St. Petersburg, FL
September 20-22, 2013 – TBA
October 18-20, 2013 – Sacramento, CA
Please visit our course page to download a brochure to share with your colleagues or to register