New CEU Course for Physical Therapists, Physical Therapist Assistants, Occupational Therapists, Occupational Therapist Assistants and Speech Therapists:
With distinguished speaker:
Christina Finn
This course will help clinicians apply the latest research on diagnosis and management of concussion and post concussion syndrome. This course will focus on the latest relevant assessment and treatment strategies for adults and children with prolonged visual, vestibular and sensory complaints as a result of concussion. Effective treatment strategies to improve visual skills, balance and sensory integration for optimal return to all daily tasks will be highlighted. Participants will engage in clinical problem solving via group case analysis and discussion.
Age/Patient Population: This course is relevant for therapists working with individuals of all ages including school aged children, young adults, and older adults who may have sustained a concussion as a result of fall, MVA, sports injury, or accident.
Upon Completion of the Course, participants will be able to:
- Apply current research to diagnosis and treatment of concussion and post concussion syndrome.
- Determine when referral is indicated to address co-morbidities.
- Assess visual function, balance and ability to participate in daily tasks (including cognitive).
- Implement treatments to remediate oculomotor dysfunction, sensory integrative dysfunction and visual motor skills impairment.
- Implement training techniques and compensatory strategies including cognitive strategies to help the patient transition back to work, school and daily tasks.
Please click here for dates and venues, to download a brochure or to register