We would like to remind you to register for our popular conference.
This conference sold out last year and we would not want you to be disappointed:
Fifteenth Annual
November 20-21, 2014
Framingham, MA
Join us at this popular conference to learn creative, effective, evidence-based strategies that reflect the best practices for collaborative school based interventions.
Network with therapists and educators from other school districts and learn how others are handling the very challenges you face each day. Nationally acclaimed speakers will address school-related topics such as visual and motor strategies to promote learning and participation, self-regulation skills, addressing gross motor needs and priorities, prioritizing and writing measurable and obtainable goals, practical tools to address sensory versus behavioral issues, the neurodevelopmental classroom, the top down model of assessment, and dealing with the anxious child.
Please click here for full information, a brochure and to Register
To avoid disappointment please remember to indicate your chosen breakout sessions
Join us to celebrate 15 years of coming together to meet the challenges of school based practice
We invite you to attend our wine and cheese reception for our
15th Annual Conference Celebration
at the end of the first day of the conference.
Please indicate your attendance on the registration form
We look forward to seeing you at this years conference