We are thrilled to have ERI Faculty member and expert Susan Cecere return to our Annual Therapies in the School Conference.

Susan Cecere PT, MHS
Susan Cecere, PT, MHS. is an experienced speaker on practice and administrative school-based therapy topics. She is the owner of Sequoia School Based Therapy Solutions, LLC a consulting company that supports districts, agencies and therapists in the practice of school-based therapy services by providing mentoring, professional development and
administrative support. Sue was the VP of the Academy of Pediatric Physical Therapy for 8 years and represented the academy in several national public education coalitions.
Her session: School Based Best Practices: A Guide for Beginning Therapists
will teach you the knowledge needed to navigate the language of IDEA and the IEP process for student who are eligible for special education and related services. The basics of assessment, IEP documentation, creating supplementary aids and services, developing participation-based goals and making dosing decisions will be shared and discussed.
Find out more information here:
Therapies in the School Conference 2021
November 18-19, 2021
Create your own track with 5 afternoon sessions to choose from on each day.