Dr. Rosanne Thomas is an Associate Professor and the Chair of the Department of Physical Therapy in the Health Science Division at the College of Mount St. Joseph in Cincinnati. Her scholarly focus is to bridge the gap between basic science research and clinical practice. She also has extensive clinical expertise that is currently put into practice with direct patient intervention and formal mentoring of clinicians in utilizing a functional-based treatment approach.
Dr. Thomas’ ability to integrate basic science and clinical practice has recently been recognized as she presented the 2006 Keynote address at the Annual Interdisciplinary Stroke Course at Rehabilitation Institute of Chicago on “Neuroplasticity and Stroke Recovery” to clinicians including physicians, physical and occupational therapists and speech pathologists. She has multiple publications in both clinical and neuroscience arenas.
June 14-15, 2013 – Burlington, NC
Neurorehabilitation across the Continuum of Care
This course is designed to bridge the gap between science and practice. Applying clinical relevance to nervous system activity and dysfunction will provide therapists with a new perspective for improving outcomes in their patients with neurologic deficits. Participants will learn an evidence based approach to selecting the most appropriate interventions based on functional prognosis and learn when and how to facilitate compensation.
Participants will be able to perform a comprehensive neurological examination, correlating findings to symptoms, neuropathology and prognosis as well as skillful documentation. Evidence based treatment for Stroke, Parkinson’s Disease, Spinal Cord Injury, Multiple Sclerosis, Huntington’s disease andDementia will be highlighted. Specific treatment strategies to drive neuroplastic change and enhance functional outcomes will be highlighted.