Education Resources, Inc. to Offer “Vestibular Rehabilitation: Evaluation and Management of Individuals with Dizziness and Balance Disorders” as an Online, On-Demand CEU Course

Therapists can learn at their convenience from the vestibular rehab expert Dr. Richard Clendaniel

BOSTON – November 2, 2021 – Education Resources, Inc. (ERI), a leading provider of continuing education for physical therapists, occupational therapists and speech-language pathologists is pleased to offer the highly popular seminar Vestibular Rehabilitation: Evaluation and Management of Individuals with Dizziness and Balance Disorders as a pre-recorded, on-demand continuing education course. The online, self-guided option is ideal for therapists to conveniently learn the latest evidence-based vestibular techniques and treatments from expert practitioner and instructor Dr. Richard Clendaniel, who was recently named a Catherine Worthingham Fellow by the American Physical Therapy Association.

The course focuses on assessment and treatment of patients with vertigo and disequilibrium from vestibular causes including unilateral and bilateral vestibular hypofunction, benign paroxysmal positioning vertigo, central vestibular disorders, and multisensory dizziness. 

With vestibular dysfunction affecting 35% of adults aged 40 and over in the United States, or approximately 60 million individuals, therapists will find the information covered in the course is highly relevant and applicable to a large patient population. Topics covered in the course explore not only geriatric patients, but how to effectively treat individuals with CNS lesions such as multiple sclerosis, CVA, and head injury.

“Offering Dr. Clendaniel’s popular vestibular course as an online option enables therapists to gain comprehensive vestibular training at their convenience,” said Carol Loria, President of Education resources, Inc. “Whether you’re a therapist new to the topic or a seasoned professional who has explored vestibular rehabilitation in the past, this course offers recent insights to effectively treat patients so that they can enjoy a healthier life.”

Vestibular Rehabilitation: Evaluation and Management of Individuals with Dizziness and Balance Disorders is offered for 11 contact hours. . Participants have access to the course material including videos and handouts for one year from the date of registration.  The registration fee is $299 and now accessible via Education Resources, Inc.’s website For more information, contact ERI customer service at, or 800-487-6530.

About Education Resources, Inc.
Education Resources, Inc. (ERI) is an accredited provider of continuing education that helps PTs, OTs, and SLPs transform the lives of their patients. Visit


Education Resources, Inc. Offers Three Exceptional Live CEU Webinars for Neonatal and Pediatric Therapists

Acclaimed Therapist and Expert Educator Holly Schifsky OTR/L, CNT, NTMTC, CBIS,
 to Teach Live Webinars in 2021 and 2022

October 22, 2021 – BOSTON – Education Resources, Inc. (ERI), a leading provider of continuing education for PTs, OTs, and SLPs, and Holly Schifsky, OTR/L, CNT, NTMTC, CBIS, a renowned Certified Neonatal Therapist, offer three exceptional live webinars that teach neonatal and pediatric therapists the most current evidence-based techniques and practices to treat children in NICU and PICU. The three courses “Baby Beats and Breaths: Therapeutic Interventions for the Premature Infant with Cardiopulmonary Compromise,” “Babies’ Bodies and Brains: Multi-System Assessment and Treatment of the Premature/Medically Complex Infant for the Rehabilitation Professional” and “Bridging the Gap: Outpatient Rehabilitation Considerations for the Infant with Cardiopulmonary Compromise,” are open for registration.

The highly popular and essential NICU course, “Baby Beats and Breaths: Therapeutic Interventions for the Premature Infant with Cardiopulmonary Compromise,” has been offered through ERI for several years and attended by thousands of therapists across the globe. The two-day, live webinar is offered in 2022 on January 14 and 15, July 16 and 17, and October 8 and 9.

 “Babies’ Bodies and Brains: Multi-System Assessment and Treatment of the Premature/Medically Complex Infant for the Rehabilitation Professional” teaches therapists a systems-based approach to assess the premature/medically complex infant in the NICU and PICU setting. The course is offered as a two-day live webinar on November 5 and 6, 2021 and February 18 and 19, 2022, and as a three-part webinar on August 18, 19, and 20, 2022.

“Bridging the Gap: Outpatient Rehabilitation Considerations for the Infant with Cardiopulmonary Compromise,” a one-day live webinar, teaches attendees skills to maximize development for the medically fragile infant with cardiopulmonary compromise who is transitioning to outpatient rehabilitation.  The course is offered on December 3, 2021, and March 10, 2022.

For more information including complete details on each course and registration please click HERE. ERI does anticipate adding additional courses with Holly Schifsky in 2022 and encourages therapists to check the website regularly and sign up for course updates and offers.

About Education Resources, Inc,

Education Resources, Inc. (ERI) is an accredited provider of continuing education that helps PTs, OTs, and SLPs transform the lives of their patients. Visit or call 800-487-6530 for more information.








Annual School Conference – Session Highlight – Developed by Mary Massery

Two sessions not to miss at ERIs Annual Therapies in the School Conference:

Key Note Address:
Breathing, Talking and Postural Control: Why is this relationship so important for school-based therapists to understand?
Breathing mechanics and postural control are linked! Using Dr. Mary Massery’s novel research and the “SodaPop Can” postural control model, the instructor will push this connection further, demonstrating the link between glottal control, breathing and upright postural stability. The focus will be on applying these concepts from walking to talking in the school-based therapy environment for PT, OT, and ST.


Get Moving! Add Breathing Strategies to Movement for Improved Functional Outcomes
This mini-lab session will focus on applying the “soda-pop can” concepts to motor tasks from rolling, to
sitting, to reaching, to walking, to talking in the school-based therapy environment for PT, OT, and ST.
Participants will need to bring a bath towel for demonstrations.

Presented by Trish West Low PT, MA, DPT and developed by Mary Massery PT, DPT, DSc

Patricia West-Low PT, DPT, MA

Dr. West-Low holds a Bachelor’s degree in PT from The University of Scranton, an Advanced Master’s Degree from New York University, a Doctoral Degree from Seton Hall University, and is a Board Certified Pediatric Clinical Specialist.

She has developed and taught courses locally and nationally, on the topics of Physical Therapy Examination and Treatment of Individuals with Autism, Connective Tissue Mobilization for Pediatric Therapists and Yoga for Special Populations.
Dr. West-Low has served as a teaching assistant in all of Dr Mary Massery’s courses and completed a 2-year, invited teaching apprenticeship becoming a Massery certified faculty member in 2018. Currently Dr. West-Low is a clinician at Children’s Specialized in New Jersey, a consultant to schools/private practices and a private therapeutic yoga instructor. She is also currently a PhD Student in the Movement Sciences Program at Seton Hall University.

Trish and her dog Lucy serve as a volunteer therapy dog team.

Dr. Massery’s publications and interests focus on linking motor behaviors to breathing and/or postural mechanics in both pediatric and adult patient populations. 

Clinically, Mary is known for her multi-system approach to analyzing motor dysfunction; recognizing the interactions between the cardiovascular-pulmonary, musculoskeletal, neuromuscular, integumentary and internal organ systems, and determining which system is the primary deterrent to optimal motor function and which system is likely a consequence of those interactions. 

Mary’s research pioneered the concept of managing trunk pressures as a new way to visualize core stabilization. She has delivered keynote and major addresses on topics such as cystic fibrosis and posture, pectus excavatum (chest deformities), connections between posture & breathing, and PNF (proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation).

Mary has received national awards from the APTA, including its highest clinical award, The Florence Kendall Practice Award, honoring “one’s outstanding and enduring contributions to the practice of physical therapy.”

Mary continues to maintain a private practice in Chicago, specializing in breathing and postural dysfunction.

Find out more information here:

Therapies in the School Conference 2021
November 18-19, 2021

Create your own track with 5 afternoon sessions to choose from on each day. Something for everyone.

Download the Brochure Here: Therapies 2021 Brochure

Press Release: Education Resources, Inc. Announces 22nd Annual Therapies in the School Conference, A Live Virtual Webinar – November 18 and 19, 2021

ERI Offers Dynamic Topics Presented by Leading Experts for School-Based Physical Therapists, Occupational Therapists, Speech-Language Pathologists and Special Educators.

BOSTON – October 6, 2021 – Education Resources, Inc. (ERI) announces Therapies in the School Conference 2021, a live virtual webinar set for November 18 and 19, 2021 at 9:30 am EST (US). The 22nd annual conference is back for the second year in a row as a virtual offering, where school-based therapists and professionals will learn the latest techniques from world-renowned faculty.

Sessions will be taught by Trish West Low, Jan Hollenbeck, Melissa Gerber, Teresa May Benson, Barbara Connolly, Susan Cecere and more. Plus, the return of the popular morning yoga session with Anne Buckley-Reen. 

As the country emerges from the COVID-19 pandemic, therapists are re-imagining what participation and performance will look like for school-aged children and how therapeutic support today impacts each student’s long-term outcomes in life.  Participants can expect to receive content that integrates what has been learned during the COVID-19 pandemic along with pre-COVID best practices.

Attendees from last year’s first-ever virtual conference shared numerous positive experiences. Vicki Nephew, a New York based PT said, “This is an excellent resource for school-based therapy, which is often hard to find in continuing education. Sharing the latest research and strategies with presenters and other school-based therapists has been extremely helpful and affirming of what we are doing with our own kids.”

Therapies in the School Conference 2021 offers up to 12 continuing education hours (1.2 CEUs) with energetic experiential learning, lively panel discussions and challenging breakout sessions related to:

  • Breathing, Talking and Postural Control
  • Praxis as a Whole Brain Process
  • Practical Strategies to Facilitate Independent Executive Function Skills
  • Long Term Outcomes Over the Life Span for Students with Special Needs
  • School-Based Best Practices for Beginning Therapists
  • Dyspraxia: Tools, Treatment and Accommodations
  • Visual Impairments, Motor Skills and School Performance
  • Sensory Processing Issues in High-Risk Populations: Down Syndrome
  • Plus, Much More!

Therapies in the School Conference 2021 is being offered for $439/person for both days or $225/person for one day. Group rates are available. Register HERE or email for group rates.

About Education Resources, Inc.
Education Resources, Inc. (ERI) is an accredited provider of continuing education that helps PTs, OTs, and SLPs transform the lives of their patients. Visit


Annual School Conference – Speaker Highlight – Barbara Connolly PT, DPT, EdD, C/NDT, FAPTA

We are thrilled to bring ERI Faculty member and expert Barbara Connolly to our Annual Therapies in the School Conference. 

Her keynote address: Decisions for Today, Implications for Tomorrow: Long Term Outcomes over the Life Span for Students with Special Needs and concurrent session: Assessment of Sensory Processing Issues in High-risk Populations: Down Syndrome will give you tools to implement immediately.

Dr. Barbara Connolly received her BS degree in physical therapy from the University of Florida; a DPT degree from the University of Tennessee; a M,Ed. degree in special education with a minor in speech pathology and an EdD in curriculum and instruction from the University of Memphis.

Barbara Connolly PT, DPT, EdD, C/NDT, FAPTA

She is Professor Emeritus at the University of Tennessee Health Sciences Center where she served as Chair of the Physical Therapy Department for 24 years and Interim Dean of the College of Allied Health Sciences for 2 years. She was a Trustee for the Foundation for Physical Therapy , a foundation dedicated to funding physical therapy research and served as President of the Foundation for Physical Therapy Research from January 2015 – December 2016. She served as President of the International Organization of Physical Therapists in Pediatrics, a subgroup of the World Confederation of Physical Therapy from it’s inception in 2007 until 2015. She also has served on the APTA Board of Directors, on the APTA Pediatric Specialty Council and the American Board of Physical Therapy Specialists. She was President of the Section on Pediatrics of the APTA from 2002 – 2006.


She received the Bud DeHaven Leadership Award, the Research Award and the Jeanne Fischer Distinguished Mentorship Award from the Section on Pediatrics. She is a recipient of the Golden Pen Award from the American Physical Therapy Association for her publications. In 2002, she received one of the highest honors from the APTA when she was named a Catherine Worthingham Fellow. In 2014, she received the Marilyn Moffat Leadership Award and in 2015, she received a Lucy Blair Service Award.

She is the first author of more than 32 publications in peer reviewed journals, has written 21 book chapters and has coauthored or edited seven textbooks for physical therapists. In February 2020, the 4th Edition of her textbook, Therapeutic Exercises in the Developmental Disabilities was published. She is certified in NDT and in SI. She continues to provide professional development courses both nationally and internationally.

Dr. Connolly will present on the second day of the conference:

Decisions for Today, Implications for Tomorrow: Long Term Outcomes over the Life Span for Students with Special Needs

Learn the effects of aging in children, adolescents, and adults with lifelong disabilities (LLDs). Effects on the somatosensory, neuromuscular, and cardiovascular/pulmonary systems are discussed. Implications for interventions during the school age years will be emphasized.

Assessment of Sensory Processing Issues in High-risk Populations: Down Syndrome

Children with Down Syndrome are at risk for sensory processing problems due to neuroanatomical
differences in the structure of their brains when compared to the “typical” brain. Additionally, recent
research has shown that children with Down Syndrome score differently on standardized tests of sensory processing when compared to the typically developing child. This course will provide an overview of the etiology of sensory processing problems in children with Down Syndrome and discuss the evaluation tools that can be used to identify problems in this population.

Find out more information here:

Therapies in the School Conference 2021
November 18-19, 2021

Create your own track with 5 afternoon sessions to choose from on each day. Something for everyone.

Download the Brochure Here: Therapies 2021 Brochure