Second Annual Advancing Excellence in Infant Care Scholarship – 2021

ERI is pleased to announce that Dr. Brown’s Medical is generously providing funding for the second annual

Advancing Excellence in Infant Care Scholarship.

There will be two scholarships awarded. Each award covers free tuition to an ERI live webinar to help the recipient further his/her potential to significantly contribute to therapy practice in the NICU setting

We invite everyone to apply who fulfills the following criteria: 

• Must be an occupational therapist, physical therapist, or speech language pathologist.

• Must currently practice therapy in the NICU

• Must demonstrate the core values of collaboration, integrity, and a passion for improving the lives of the infants and families they serve.

Application: deadline is Friday, September 9th, and the winners will be announced September 24th via email communication.

Dr. Brown’s® Medical NEW innovative products continue to transform the care practices of infant oral feeding challenges in NICUs, newborn nurseries, and specialty clinics throughout the world. They are uniquely positioned to help improve outcomes for infants, deliver more effective and cost-efficient care, and help reduce the economic burden of costly treatment strategies.

Plan Your In-Service Day and Professional Development Day with ERI’s Exceptional Online CEU Courses

It’s time for back to school! And a new school year means exciting new opportunities and maybe some new challenges too. But one task that won’t be a challenge is planning and facilitating your in-service and professional development days. Here are ERI, we know how dedicated school-based therapists are to serving students and we have designed exceptional, clinically relevant CEU courses led by distinguished, internationally renowned experts. ERI’s online CEU courses are self-paced and teach effective interventions and practical tools and assessment techniques to improve student outcomes.  Registrants receive access to the online courses and handouts for one year, and group rates are available. Take a look a look at just some of our online offerings for school-based therapists:

NEW! Therapies in the School Online Conference Seven – $399 (Group rates available)

Instructors: Susan Cecere, Kim Wiggins, Kimberly Wynarczuk, Suzanne Davis Bombria, Liliane Savard, Colleen Whiting, Angela Sterling-Orth – 23 hrs (2.3 CEUs)

Therapies in the School Online Conference Six – $399 (Group rates available!)

Instructors: Anne Buckley-Reen, Susan Cecere, Arsenio Paez, Nicole Barmen, Judith Kimball, Kim Wiggins, Kathryn Biel – 22 hrs (2.2 CEUs)

Therapies in the School Online Conference Five – $399 (Group rates available!)

Instructors: Melissa Gerber, Josephine Bardabelias, Jocelynn Wallach, Nancy Williamson, Jennifer School, Julie Goff – 14 hrs (1.4 CEUs)

Series Group Pricing for Therapies in the School on-demand online conferences:
Series price +$44 for each additional registrant (CEU certificate) up to 19 registrants.

For a complete list of ERI’s online course offerings, including individual sessions, please click HERE.

Start off the school year by planning your in-service or professional development day with ERI. Improve your practice and earn CEUs at your convenience. Visit our website for more information or call 800-487-6530 or email to register a group.


Early Bird Rate for School Based Conference

We are excited to share this early outline and brochure for the 2021 Therapies in the School Conference – Live Virtual Webinar

November 18-19, 2021 

Therapies 2021 Brochure

Registration is now open and we are offering an early bird rate of $339 ($100 saving)

Use Code: THERAPIES2021 – available until August 31st 2021


Offered for up to 12 continuing education hours 1.2 CEUs. Group rates and one day rates are available.

ERI is Excited to Offer Dynamic Topics Presented by Leading Experts at This Annual Conference for School-Based Therapists!

Choose the track that best meets your needs!

As we emerge from the COVID 19 pandemic, we are re-imagining what participation and performance will look like for school-aged children and how our support today impacts each student’s long-term outcomes in life. 

ERI is committed to supporting your practice no matter what the circumstances – even during a pandemic!  

At this year’s conference, we are excited to join together to deliver content that integrates what we have learned during COVID with our pre-COVID best practices. 

ERI Therapies in the School brings the very best speakers to share the very latest research and school-based therapy techniques—and their passion for their work—with hundreds of school-based therapy professionals just like you.

Energetic experiential learning, lively panel discussions, and challenging breakout sessions will give you powerful new therapeutic tools and techniques.

ERI Therapies in the School builds a therapy community across the country that stays in touch long after the conference closes.

There’s a reason why over 50% of conference attendees come back for another year. See for yourself how the ERI Therapies in the School conference can change the way you feel about your work—for the better.

Dr. Richard Clendaniel Awarded APTA’s Catherine Worthingham Fellowship 

Congratulations to ERI faculty member Dr. Richard Clendaniel on being named a Catherine Worthingham Fellow by the American Physical Therapy Association. The honor is the association’s highest membership category and serves as inspiration for physical therapists to attain professional excellence, and is eligible to APTA physical therapist members who have demonstrated unwavering efforts to advance the physical therapy profession for more than 15 years. Dr. Richard Clendaniel serves as one of ERI’s esteemed faculty members and thousands of therapists have learned essential, evidence-based treatments and techniques to improve patient outcomes – and you can too. ERI will offer the following live webinars and online courses for practitioners who seek to learn from Dr. Richard Clendaniel and take their practice to the next level:

Vestibular Rehabilitation: Evaluation and Management of Individuals with Dizziness and Balance Disorders – LIVE WEBINAR – Two Sessions
July 16 and 17, 2021
10:10 am EST • 9:10 am CST • 8:10 am MST • 7:10 am PST (US)

Vestibular Rehabilitation: Advanced-LIVE WEBINAR-Two Sessions
September 25 and 26, 2021
10:10 am EST • 9:10 am CST • 8:10 am MST• 7:10 am PST (US)
This course will also be offered on
December 4 and 5, 2021
10:10 am EST • 9:10 am CST • 8:10 am MST• 7:10 am PST (US)

Advanced Vestibular Rehabilitation Online
An online, on-demand course. Registrants have access to the course and handouts for an entire year.

ERI participants have shared wonderful feedback on Dr. Clendaniel’s live webinars, including:

“Years ago, I attended a course by Dr. Clendaniel and was impressed not only by his level of expertise but by his presentation – his ability to teach therapists with a wide range of experiences. As I am preparing to step back into vestibular rehab Dr. Clendaniel was my first choice. Given the quality of this weekend’s webinar my selection was correct.” –  Mary E Schmutz PT

“It is always a pleasure to take one of Dr. Clendaniel’s course offerings.  He is well organized, patient and has a very accessible teaching style.  I am impressed with the amount of information packed into this 2-day advanced vestibular rehab course, and with the amount of resources I had available for immediate use in this clinic.  The ERI course moderator was cheerful and essential in keeping this live stream course on track throughout the weekend. ERI made taking a live-stream/ online course easy and accessible, even for those who might be new to this learning format.”  Lisa M Rohrbaugh, DPT

Register today and learn from ERI faculty member Dr. Richard Clendaniel, PT, Ph.D., FAPTA. Be sure to Join ERI’s Community and receive notifications of newly added webinars and online courses, and to receive notifications of any discounts and incentive programs.

ERI Announcing Two Scholarships for School Based Therapists 2021

Do you know of someone who deserves recognition?

A Therapist New to the Schools, or an Unsung Hero

We want to hear about their hard work, and innovative ideas.

We will be honoring two unsung heroes/teams. 

One for his/her significant contribution to therapy practice in the field of school based therapy,
and a therapist new to school based practice

Please click on the links below to find out more and send in your nominations:

Scholarship for Therapist New to School-Based Practice

Education Resources would like to provide a scholarship of free tuition to the 22nd Annual Therapies in the School Conference, to a therapist who is new to practicing in the schools to help further his/her potential to significantly contribute to therapy practice in the field of school-based therapy. This nominee should have a strong potential to meet students’ needs and collaboratively engage teachers and staff within the students’ team. 

Scholarship for Excellence in Creative School Based Therapy

Education Resources would like to provide a scholarship of free tuition to the 22nd Annual Therapies in the School Conference to one unsung hero for his/her significant contribution to therapy practice in the field of school-based therapy during this challenging school year. This nominee has excellent assessment and intervention skills, uses those skills to meet students’ needs in unconventional and unique ways, and collaboratively engages teachers and staff within the students’ team. 

Award recipients will also demonstrate the core values of collaboration, leadership, integrity, and a passion for improving the lives of his or her students.

You may nominate yourself or colleague(s) – or both!

Deadline for Submissions is August 21, 2020

The award recipients will be notified in early September and honored at the Annual Therapies in the School Conference  – November 18-19, 2021