19th Annual Therapies in the Schools Conference Recap

What happens when nearly 300 school-based therapists and specialists come together to exchange ideas, share resources, and address services and solutions?  A community of professionals dedicated to making a positive and meaningful impact on the lives of thousands of children and families is born.   

… and for the past 19 years, ERI has done just that; connect school-based therapists and faculty experts at the Annual Therapies in the Schools Conference. Our most recent conference took place November 2018 in Framingham, Massachusetts. The two-day course and featured leading faculty members and speakers offering fresh perspectives on the ever-evolving field of school-based therapy. 

Our attendees had a lot to say about this year’s conference, including:

“This conference is fabulous! ERI listened to therapists and provides topics that are requested. Information is relevant, and ideas are given to use immediately. It’s great to attend a conference that is geared specifically to school-based therapists. I highly recommend attending.” – C. Lalkas, Wolfeboro, NH

“If I can only attend one conference per year, this is it! I consider it a smorgasbord: a conference where I can come and be exposed to many different topics related to my professional all in two days!” – B. Tremblay, Lake Placid, NY

“My experience at Therapies in the Schools Conference has been outstanding. It has exceeded my expectations. The presenters were exceptionally professional and knowledgeable. They were also relevant to my practice. Eri Organized this conference very well and provided such a wide variety of optional opportunities as well. This conference is highly recommended to any therapists working in the schools!” – A. Semperbon, Laconia, NH

While we have offered our conference for 19 years, we are always energizing the crowd with new information and offerings. This year, attendees were invited to participate in Lunch Breakout Sessions including roundtable discussions to improve networking and share best practices, as well as informal Q&A sessions with faculty and speakers. 

We made sure to have a little (well, maybe a lot) of fun at our Wine & Cheese Reception and started off Day Two with a morning yoga session led by faculty member Anne Buckley Reen.

It was truly inspiring to see so many OTs, PTs, and SLPs travel from around the country and come together for two days of engaging conversation for the sole purpose of improving their practice and serving others. It was great to see familiar faces and meet new attendees as well. We can’t wait until next year!


Did you attend this year’s Therapies in the Schools Conference?  What did you like about the conference? What do you hope to see next year? Share in the comments below or join our Therapies in the Schools Discussion Group on Facebook!


Discount for ERI CEUs. Happy Holidays to All!

From Education Resources

Wishing our Community of Therapists
Peace, Happiness and Joy for the upcoming year
We would like to offer a $50 discount towards a course registration fee.

Deadline Extended to Thursday, January 3rd 
Apply code: HOLIDAYS2018

Let ERI help you fulfill your professional development and continuing education requirements with our comprehensive selection of dynamic courses in 2018. Improve outcomes – by improving patient care.

Including many NEW courses and distinguished faculty members 

Not to be used in combination with other discounts or course credits. Non-Transferable. Only one discount may be used per conference. Must be applied at time of registration, not for conferences previously registered for. Not for online coursesor one-day courses. Exclusions may apply.

You can register online, call the office or fax in your registration.
Just mention the code! 

Please call, email or visit our website with any questions 

Please click here for our full listing of courses

Thank you

 www.educationresourcesinc.com 508-359-6533 ● 800-487-6530

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ERI Deepens Faculty Bench with Patrick A. Tino, PT, DPT

Here at ERI, we consider ourselves a team working to provide our community with exceptional CEU courses taught by the most knowledgeable, experienced, and engaging speakers – which is why we are excited to welcome Patrick “Pat” Tino, PT, DPT, as our newest faculty member!

With 25 years of clinical and teaching experience, Pat is highly regarded in the PT/OT/SLP/PTA/COTA community. He is an authority in evaluating and treating patients in numerous settings including acute care, outpatient sports and orthopedic, SNF, and home health. Pat continuously researches and evaluates the most current treatments, sharing his knowledge with students and colleagues.

Pat’s new course, “Improving Functional Performance for the Medically Complex Patient” begins in April 2019. And trust us when we say this DPT will be making the rounds – courses will take place across the country including Georgia, Wisconsin, Arkansas, and New York.

Improving Functional Performance for the Medically Complex Patient,” will address relevant problem-solving and critical-thinking methods for evaluating and treating patients who have both acute and chronic diseases. The course is specially designed to arm participants with the best practices for treating patients with multiple co-morbidities and maximize functional outcomes.  A hands-on lab will focus on the expanding role of PTs and OTs, as Pat presents case scenarios to work through evaluation and treatment plans.

Want to be at the top of your game? Register for “Improving Functional Performance for the Medically Complex Patient” at EducationResourcesInc.com. After taking this course, you’ll return to work on Monday morning with new methods and expertise to improve your practice and patient outcomes!



National Physical Therapy Month Contest Winner!

We’re happy to name Maria Stidham as the winner of our October contest celebrating National Physical Therapy Month! Maria wins a two-day CEU course of her choosing – and she has quite a bit to choose from. ERI offers hundreds of CEU courses taught across the country by our distinguished faculty.
Congratulations Maria!

Want a chance to win a CEU course offering from ERI? Keep checking out our blog for contests, promotions, and all the latest continuing education news!


New Graduate, New Job, New Opportunities to Learn!

Guest Blogger: Emily Zeman, OTD, MS, OTR/L

You’ve arrived!  You finally have your degree in hand, and you’ve passed your board exam(s)! There are initials after your name, and/or you have a license number as part of your signature.  And, you have your first job out of graduate school!  Now, you can relax.

Well, sort of!  Aside from the nuances of learning the ins and outs of your new job, your commitment to your profession and your clients includes remaining current with the latest evidence, evaluations, and intervention/treatment techniques.  To remain in-the-know, it’s not the same as going to the library or writing a paper with the research evidence.  As a working professional, conferences, webinars, online courses, and other continuing education opportunities are all available. 

But wait! Why, as a new graduate, with the latest education, should you think about adding more learning to your plate?

Believe it or not, the months and first few years go by very quickly in practice, and suddenly, you’ve hit your license or registration renewal deadline for your professional development points (PDPs) and/or continuing education units (CEU’s).   The renewal form arrives in the mail, and you realize, you do not meet the minimum standard because you did not make it to any conferences.  Or, you’ve read a few articles and had a few students, but did not keep track of the hours.  In addition, new treatment techniques, new assessment tools, and new laws and regulations governing practice, are constantly churned out by our peers who are researching and developing the cutting-edge methodologies to offer effective solutions to clients and patients.

Take occupational therapy and physical therapy practice requirements in Massachusetts, for example.  Just this summer, the Board of Registration for Allied Health Professionals has agreed that “For each renewal period, each physical and occupation therapy professional’s continuing competency points must include two points in ethics, laws, and regulations governing practice in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, or some combination thereof.”  If you practice in MA, have you started planning on how you will spend 2 points (equivalent) in time focusing your continuing education on ethics and/or laws?  Since you graduated, have you developed a plan for meeting the requirements of your state licensure board? 

Education Resources, Inc., offers clinically relevant, continuing competency courses, conveniently online and in-person, across the country, to help you learn the latest protocols in your profession that are evidence-based; have been vetted by seasoned practitioners; and are in-line with the current state and national requirements.  Education Resources, Inc. can support you in meeting the goals of accruing the required continuing education units while networking with professionals and learning from peers who can teach specialty skills that you can apply to your practice population. 

Are you a new school-based OT, SLP, or PT?  Come check out the Annual Therapies in the Schools Symposium to hear about the tried and true strategies, and earn many contact hours in the process!

Are you a new acute-care professional in either the ICU or NICU? Learn from the professionals in Physical Therapy in Acute Care, Occupational Therapy in Acute Care, and other courses! 

Can’t make it in-person?  Try the Online Courses tab to see what fits your needs, while adding to the tally of your required CEU hours.  

Your “new graduate” status is not only a wonderful celebration of all you’ve recently accomplished but also a jumping off point for gathering critical specialty and generalist skills while making your continuing education requirements, at the same time as networking and meeting others from whom you can learn.  Soon, you’ll be the seasoned practitioner and completing your renewal application with the CEU’s from taking courses with Education Resources, Inc., and maybe even teaching a course!
