ERI Welcomes Master Clinicians Lynn Wolf and Robin Glass

We first met and heard Lynn and Robin speak at the annual NANT (National Association of Neonatal Therapists) conference last year in Arizona. What a dynamic duo! 

We heard such amazing feedback from so many neonatal therapists, and are thrilled to announce that they are joining our faculty and presenting two new courses in 2018!

Robin Glass, MS, OTR, IBCLC and Lynn Wolf, MOT, OTR, IBCLC practice occupational therapy at Seattle Children’s Hospital in Seattle, WA. Their clinical specialty is the treatment of infants, both as hospital inpatients and outpatients with a strong focus on feeding issues. They are NDT trained and Board Certified Lactation Consultants, with extensive national and international experience speaking about the infant feeding. Both hold clinical faculty appointments at the University of Washington. Ms. Glass and Ms. Wolf have authored numerous journal articles as well as the book Feeding and Swallowing Disorders in Infancy: Assessment and Management. They were recipients of the National Association of Neonatal Therapists (NANT) Pioneer Award in 2015.

If you are looking to expand your role in the NICU, to know more about lactation, and collaborate effectively with the NICU team and lactation consultants, these two course will be extremely beneficial to your practice:

Feeding and Swallowing Disorders in Infancy: Assessment and Management


Feeding and Swallowing in Infancy: Implications for Breast and Bottle Feeding

Earlybird Rate for 2 Days registration: $375 before August 11th
USE CODE: INFANTFEEDING2018 for online registering. 
Not to be used in combination with other discounts or course credits. (Cannot combine with Spring Promotion) Non-Transferable. Must be applied at time of registration, not to be used for previous registrations.

Click on the links above for more information to download a brochure to share with your team or to register!


Exciting News! ERI Welcomes Renowned Speaker and Autism Consultant Kelly Mahler

ERI is thrilled to announce that internationally renowned OT Kelly Mahler will be a keynote speaker at Therapies in the School 2018. 

Mahler will share her expertise and passion at ERI’s annual conference and will present:
“Interoception: The Eighth Sensory System”, along with a further 3 hr in depth presentation to expand on her keynote.

Founder of Mahler Autism Services, Kelly Mahler MS, OTR/L, earned a MS in Occupational Therapy, as well as a Post-Professional Pediatric Certificate from Misericordia University, Dallas, PA. She is an occupational therapist and autism consultant who supports school-aged individuals and young adults with autism spectrum disorders. Mahler also has 16 years of experience providing multidisciplinary social skill groups within the community. She is a professor of Occupational Therapy at Elizabethtown College. Mahler is currently active in several research projects. She has presented hundreds of seminars and workshops at the international and national levels. 

Mahler Autism Services provides support to school-aged children and young adults with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) living in the Central Pennsylvania region.

More details coming soon!

Please join our mailing/email list and receive all our latest news, and learning opportunities that will improve your students outcomes.


Great Article from ERI Faculty Member John Pagano – Published in OT Practice – Evaluating Clients With Autism Spectrum Disorders: A Life Span Approach

Renowned faculty member John Pagano, together with Autism Experts Carolyn Murray-Slutsky and Jen Richman, recently published this article in OT Practice. It describes and provides case studies illustrating the usefulness of occupational therapy assessment to guide Autism Spectrum Disorder intervention throughout the life span.

Murray-Slutsky, C., Pagano, J., & Richman, J. (2018). Evaluating clients with autism spectrum disorders: A life span approach. OT Practice 23(2), 8–14.

By Carolyn Murray-Slutsky, Jennifer Richman, and John Pagano

How evaluation, assessment, and intervention for clients with autism change over the life span.




Focus on Home Exercise Programs

Great piece from distinguished ERI faculty member:

Jacqueline Grimenstein, PT, C/NDT, Jackie Grimenstein - ERI

As a working mother of 4 kids I always dreaded homework.  My husband and I would get home from work, do afterschool activities or carpools, make dinner and then deal with homework.  I found so much of homework to be more about getting it done that actually learning something from it or reinforcing a skill.  I keep this in mind as I design home programs and activities for the children I treat.  How meaningful are those activities and just what am I trying to have the child accomplish through them. 

Over my 40 plus years as a PT I have given this a lot of thought and try to focus on what does the child actually need for my next session.  Because isn’t that what home programs are for.  Along those same lines I find I need to match what is needed with something the child will practice and be willing to participate in.  When my children were going up I wanted them each to play the piano, but no one really wanted play the piano so every night was a struggle to get them to sit at the piano and practice.  I remember being in the kitchen and yelling into the family room that I did not hear any music coming from that piano.

So I have found the challenge to be what motivates the children we treat and how do we get them to be actively engaged and practice the skills they need.  The purpose of the home exercise program should be to build in repetitions of the components they need to advance a skill. So what is fun?  Finding those activities that the child actually likes to do is often the key to getting them to willingly do their home program.  Of course this then requires investigation and innovation on our part to tailor the activities to that child. 

Which brings us to, whose home program is this – mom’s or the child’s.  Many times when the child comes in for a therapy session and I ask how the child made out with the home program; mom answers she didn’t have time for them to do it.  Once the child is able to follow directions, if the program is meaningful and fun then it should not be a struggle.  So I start digging into what does the child like.  Is it sports, playing video games, imaginative play or something in the arts field?  Taking that interest can I build an exercise program around something that relates to that interest?  When doing an arts project can I build in some weight shifts and squats by placing objects at different levels.  For video games can they play an active game that requires them to move rather than just sit or can they sit on a dynamic surface to make their base more active. I try to find people they admire in their desired area of interest and look at what type of physical activities or work out program that person does.  Children are surprised to find that people in the arts field and even the video game world need to work out to have the posture and stamina to perform.   I have found that giving the child activities that work into play time to be more successful that setting them apart as a separate activity.  I may recommend the child do their home program during TV commercials.  These are timed to about 15-30 seconds per commercial and about two and a half minutes for a set.  It is amazing how many repetitions of an activity can get done in this time frame.

Having spent the majority of my career treating children with severe disabilities presents challenges in that the child often cannot do activities independently.  Helping the family find what is meaningful to them and what works in their time schedule become a separate challenge.  Parents often need guidance as to what skills the child can accomplish to assist with everyday activities such as transfers and ADL’s.  Being able to assist with the everyday becomes vital for the future as the child grows and parents age.  I have found that once parents understand why and what of programs they generally become your partner and willingly work toward the goal outside the therapy session.

The longer you stay in the therapy field the better perspective you have on what it to come in the future of the children we treat.  I have had the pleasure of following several children across the lifespan and have developed an appreciation of components of movement that are needed to have the child develop to prevent future issues with misalignment, pain and even decreased respiration.  Therapy is every day, all day to build in enough motor learning to get and keep functional patterns and skills. But first we have to get it so the child can use it every day and that only happens with consistent practice in hopefully a fun and meaningful program.

Being an NDT instructor and therapist has enhanced my assessment and creativity skills.  As I teach and encounter so many therapists we talk about the children we treat and problem solve how to get to the next level or sometimes even where to start.  But regardless if we are just starting to develop a skill or trying to refine an existing one, practice is essential and working with them to figure out how to build in practice while having fun is one of the things I enjoy the most. 

Don’t miss these great opportunities to learn from Jackie

Taping to Improve Alignment, Strength and Function in Children
March 23-24, 2018 Cedar Knolls, NJ
September 15-16, 2018 Washington, DC
November 2-3, 2018 – Indianapolis, IN

Utilizing NDT in Pediatric Practice
April 14-15, 2018 Minneapolis, MN
September 29-30, 2018 Pueblo, CO


Play Your Cards Right- Become a trauma-informed care “ACE” Therapist!

Guest Blogger: Emily Zeman

We need to presume the clients we serve have a history of traumatic stress and exercise “universal precautions” by creating systems of care that are trauma-informed.” (Hodas, 2005).

Did you know:

47.9% of children report one or more adverse childhood experience (ACE), or a traumatic event, at some point in their lifetime, as well as over 60% of adults seeking health care services!

If we are to fully serve children or adult clients, using a trauma-informed care (TIC) approach should be our default. This is not (as commonly thought) a socioeconomic issue as it can and does affect people at every economic level/race/religion, etc.

First, what is trauma?

Trauma includes a sense of fear, helplessness, or horror after exposure to a psychologically distressing event where the person has inadequate internal or external resources to cope with an external threat. There are many adverse experiences that could lead to trauma such as:

  • abuse (physical, emotional, sexual)
  • neglect (physical, emotional)
  • parent substance abuse or mental illness
  • socioeconomic hardship
  • family member incarceration, divorce, the death of a loved one
  • witnessing domestic violence or a natural disaster.

To utilize our holistic skill set in delivering client-centered care, therapists want to consider a full client history, and upon finding out about traumatic event(s), engage in these following actions from a trauma-informed approach:

  • Realize the prevalence of trauma (develop screening measures, form community partnerships, and take a good client history!)
  • Recognize how trauma affects all individuals involved with the client, program, organization or system
  • Respond by putting this knowledge into everyday practice, including developing thorough outcome measurement management systems

Core Principles of a Trauma-Informed System of Care:

  • Safety – ensuring physical and emotional safety, by conducting yourself with non-threatening body presentation and calm voice
  • Trustworthiness – maintaining appropriate boundaries while building rapport, and making tasks clear
  • Choice – prioritizing client’s meaningful choices and control (people want choices and options; for people who have had control taken away, having small choices makes a big difference)
  • Collaboration– maximizing collaboration by encouraging clients to connect with their friends and family for support while providing evidence-based (EBP) interventions
  • Stay curious
  • Offer hope

Health professionals are considered mandated reporters. Always report suspected abuse and follow the protocols at your site.   

How do you assess trauma and/or modify your treatments as you become informed about a trauma? Please offer us your thoughts!


Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (2017, April 4). Essentials for childhood framework: Steps to create safe, stable, nurturing relationships and environments for all children. Retrieved from: /essentials.html

  1. SAMHSA.for definitions of trauma and trauma-informed care; (n.d.) SAMHSAfor prevalence figures.

The National Child Traumatic Stress Network (n.d.) Types of traumatic stress. Retrieved from:
