Are you a Therapist NEW to the School System? We have a Course for You!

For all new therapists or therapists NEW to the school system, learning to navigate school-based therapy can be its own education!

Our popular Annual Therapies in The School Conference offers a session just for you!

This course will highlight the structure of related services in the education system, evaluations, assessments,and tools used by therapists in the school, as well as a crash course in the Alphabet Soup that is the education system (IEP, IDEA, PLP, RTI, IST, CST).

[caption id="attachment_5830" align="alignleft" width="150"]Kathryn Biel, PT, DPT Kathryn Biel PT, DPT[/caption]

Taught by Kathryn R. Biel, PT, DPT  (our resident blogger) and Nicole Barmen, OTR/L.

Kathryn received her Bachelors and Masters Degrees from Boston University and her Doctorate in Physical Therapy from The Sage Colleges. She has worked in both public and county-run school systems, pediatric residential facilities, adult and pediatric rehab, outpatient, preschool, and Early Intervention. 

[caption id="attachment_5831" align="alignright" width="150"]Nicole Barmen, OTR - Education Resources Faculty Nicole Barmen, OTR/L[/caption]


Nicole has 18 years experience in a school-based pediatric setting. She is a graduate of Colorado State University, and has worked in a variety of settings, including nursing homes, Day Habs, Home Health, Article 28
sites, preschool, and Early Intervention.


Therapies in The School Conference is being held on November 15-16, 2018 at the Sheraton Framingham Hotel, Framingham, MA

to download a brochure or to register

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Physical Therapists in Pennsylvania – Are you Looking for CEUs Before your December Deadline?

Just a gentle reminder ? 

If you are a physical therapist licensed in Pennsylvania, your renewal is due by December 31st, 2018

We wanted to make you aware of these courses coming to Pennsylvania and surrounding states prior to the deadline. 

CEU: Applications have been made to/approved by the Pennsylvania State Board of Physical Therapy for those courses held in Pennsylvania and surrounding states.

Please click on each link for course details, schedule, CEU information, to download a brochure or to register.

Intensive Handling and Problem Solving for Function: An NDT Approach
Linda Kliebhan
September 7-8, 2018 – New Brunswick, NJ

Improving Function: Tools to Enhance Motor Learning, Motor Control and Strength – A lab course
Paula Cox
September 29-30, 2018 – New Brunswick, NJ

Visual Processing, Visual Perception and Visual-Motor Skills
Melissa Gerber
October 5-6, 2018 – Philadelphia, PA
November 3-4, 2018 – Bridgeville, PA

The SOFFI Method SM: Supporting Oral Feeding in Fragile Infants
Erin Ross
October 5-6, 2018 – Bayside, NY

Therapeutic Yoga for the Child with Developmental Challenges
Anne Buckley-Reen
October 19-20, 2018 – Bayside, NY

Geriatric Neurology in the Medically Complex Client
Jennifer Bottomley
October 19-20, 2018 – Wilkes Barre Township, PA

Therapeutic Interventions in the NICU
Tracilyn Urruela
October 26-27, 2018 – Philadelphia, PA

Treating the Cardiac Patient: Decrease Re-Admissions Promote Optimal Outcomes
Donna Frownfelter
November 2-3, 2018 – Englewood, NJ

ICU and Acute Care: From Early Mobilization to Discharge Decisions
Chris Wells
October 27-28, 2018 – Doylestown, PA

Contemporary NDT Treatment of the Baby and Young Child
Suzanne Davis
November 9-11, 2018 – New Brunswick, NJ

Baby Beats and Breaths: Therapeutic Interventions for the Premature Infant with Cardiopulmonary Compromise
Holly Schifsky
November 16-17, 2018 – Englewood, NJ

Traumatic Brain Injury, Post Concussive Syndrome and Neuroplasticity: Tools and Strategies to Promote Recovery
Marie-Celine Alexander
December 7-8, 2018 – West Haverstraw, NY

Myofascial Release and Its Application to Neuro-Developmental Treatment
Gail Ritchie
December 7-8, 2018 – Cedar Knolls, NJ


Saying Goodbye to Beloved Faculty Member Lezlie Adler as She Retires.

One more Opportunity to Hear Lezlie Adler Speak Before she Retires.

We want to thank Lezlie Adler for nearly 25 years of her commitment to working with ERI to provide Continuing Education that has been life changing for therapists throughout the United States and the world. Through her dynamic, humorous, clear and comprehensive teaching style, Lezlie has inspired therapists by reminding them of why they love what they do. Leaving one of her workshops is “like getting a shot in the arm” to see patients with a new lens, to have a tool box of new strategies, and to have sharper critical problem-solving skills.

You have one more opportunity to hear Lezlie speak before her well earned retirement:

Integrating NDT, SI and Motor Learning Perspectives in Pediatrics
December 1-2, 2018 – UCP of Central Arizona, Phoenix, AZ

We will miss you Lezlie and we thank you for providing us with your protege, Kimberly Westhoff, OT, who will carry on your legacy in 2019.


Welcoming A New Member to the ERI Faculty – Jocelynn Wallach

Following on from an extremely well received afternoon session at our Annual Therapies in the School Conference in 2017, Jocelynn B. Wallach, MS, OTR/L  has developed a new 2 day course.

We are excited to announce, coming in December:

Practical and Effective Strategies to Improve
Self-Regulation and Executive Functioning Skills
In Children with SPD, ASD, EF Dysfunction, Anxiety and Learning Difficulties

Do you have students who have difficulty sitting still, initiating tasks, working through assignments to completion, or attending to the details of their work? Do they have difficulty applying active listening skills and memory strategies to support their learning and academic performance?
This course will teach participant tools and effective strategies that address these challenges directly. Given the demands of the Common Core Standards for independent work habits, sustained attention and motor output, students have an increased need to develop selfregulation and executive function skills in order to progress successfully through grade level curriculum. Participants will learn successful methods to facilitate the development of self-regulation, attention, organization and memory as well as environmental accommodations and modifications

Please join us in welcoming Jocelynn who created this course together with Nancy Williamson, M.Ed., CCC/SLP.

Jocelynn has worked in a variety of settings developing pediatric occupational therapy departments for the Brockton Visiting Nurses Association, MA, Braintree Rehabilitation Hospital, MA and the New England Sinai Hospital, MA. She taught at Boston University, The Education Cooperative, Westwood Public Schools, MA and lectured nationwide on sensory processing and executive functioning. For the past 20 years she has worked in the Westwood Public Schools and maintained her private practice “Capable Hands and Associates”.

Dates currently scheduled for this NEW course:

December 1-2, 2018 – Livingston, NJ
March 30-31, 2019 – Hamden, CT
April 12-13, 2019 – Plantation, FL
October 12-13, 2019 – Aurora, IL

Also please do check out the online version of Jocelynn’s session from Therapies in the School Conference 2017:

How to Assist Children with Executive Function Dysfunction as a Related Service Provider



Are You Planning Ahead for your 2019 CEUs? Look No Further

2019 is going to be great! ERI 2019

We are currently confirming dates for a great line up of courses coming in 2019. Whether you are looking for a continuing education course focusing on Pediatrics, Geriatrics, Neurology, School Based Therapies, EI, Vestibular Rehab. and Concussion, Acute Care, Feeding, or for courses for the therapist working in the NICU, SNF, LTC or in the Home, we continue to strive to be your preferred provider.

Check our website  – courses are now being added for 2019!

Look for new courses presented by new dynamic members of our faculty, who are joining us for 2019:

Therapeutic Management of the Complex Neonate: Cardiac, Respiratory, Neurologic Challenges in the NICU, PICU, SICU and EI Settings
Louisa Ferrera

Rehabilitative Management of Patients with Neurodegenerative Conditions
Robert Hand

Post-Acute Rehabilitation of the Complex Elderly Patient
Robyn Ligotti

TBI: Tools and Strategies to Promote Recovery for the Moderately-Severely Challenged
Speaker TBD

Improving Functional Performance for the Medically Complex Patient
Pat Tino

Integrating NDT, SI and Motor Learning Perspectives in Pediatrics
Kim Westhoff

Pediatric Therapeutic Interventions in Acute Care
Siobhan O’Donnell

Self-regulation and Executive Function
Jocelyn Wallach

Course outlines, speaker bios and venues will be announced very shortly!

We listened,  and are presenting you with courses that meet your needs. We will continue to add more new speakers and new courses throughout the year…….. Let us know if there is someone you would like to hear speak, or point out what topics will meet your needs.

To be the first to know about these exciting new courses, please make sure to sign up and join our mailing/email list:

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