MAY is ERI's Customer Appreciation Month

We really do appreciate you!

And we would like to honor you by offering you the opportunity to win a free course.

Thank you for being part of our community and for loving what you do. You help to improve your patients/students outcomes.

Register for any course, (throughout 2018) and if you register during the month of MAY (2018) you will be entered into a drawing to win one of two prizes:



A free 2 day live course ($435 Value)

One Online Course Session (up to $160 value)

We will randomly chose a winner from all registrations taken during the month of May and the winners will be notified in early June.



NEW Online Sessions for School Therapists Added for 2018 – Introductory Offer

ERI Therapies in the SchoolOur NEW  Online Sessions are Now Available! THERAPIES in THE SCHOOL ONLINE Conference 5

We have added four new online courses to our e-learning program.

Recorded live at our Eighteenth Annual Therapies in the School conference this conference focuses on the latest advances in school based practice for therapists. It covers aligning motor needs with educational needs, and how to improve executive function in children who are receiving therapy services in the school setting. How primitive reflexes can be relevant to school-based practice, as well as strategies to integrate these primitive reflexes are discussed. Using evidence to help guide decisions on goals, dosage, and frequency are covered for motor needs in children with autism.

Introductory Special Rate of $499 for the Complete Package of  these New Courses 
(regular price $599)
Please use code “SchoolOnline2018” and register by May 25th 2018.

Recorded live at our popular Therapies in The School Conference 2017
You can choose from four individual courses, or choose the complete package of all courses; a great option to share with your colleagues or district:

Four Dynamic Online Sessions:
(Please click on each session title for detailed information)

Introductory rate of $499 using code: TherapiesOnline2018

Combine These Sessions with our Other Pediatric Online Courses

Please share this information with your colleagues

Our Online Courses offer:

  • Strategies to Implement in the Classroom
  • Professional Development On Demand
  • Convenient and Flexible Learning
  • Cost Effective Continuing Education

It’s the next best thing to attending live!


$144-$179 per session ($34 per additional registrant – up to 19)
$599 for all sessions ($44 per additional registrant up to 19)
Each session meets the criteria for 2.5 – 4.5 contact hours (0.25 – 0.45 CEUs)
CEU certificates will be downloadable following successful completion of a post test.

Individual registrations are available online.
Please call the office with any questions and for group/district registrations or click here for a Registration Form and mail or fax in the form with payment

We know that for some of you, it may not be possible to attend every conference you would like, and for others, supplemental materials will enhance your learning when attending our highly regarded live programs. Still others have told us that they want to share the material they have learned at one of our live courses with their colleagues, administrators and the families they serve. That is why we developed our new e-Learning program taught by leading experts in their fields.     

Please visit our FAQ Page and CEU Page  for more information. 



ERI Raffle winners Announced

I am happy to announce that Karen from CA, and Amy from TN were chosen as our winners from the raffle we held at the NANT 8 conference (National Association of Neonatal Therapists) in Charlotte, NC.


We randomly chose names from all of the therapists who opted to join our email list or were scanned at the booth. Karen and Amy will each win a two day live course of their choosing.

We were lucky enough to be able to speak to many neonatal therapists – but would love to hear from all of you and welcome all thoughts and ideas for new topics, speakers and potential venues.

Check out our Dynamic Evidence Based Courses for Neonatal Therapists



ERI Discussion Groups

Don’t forget to check out and join our popular Facebook discussion groups and help out other therapists by offering them your thoughts and guidance on the multiple  topics and questions that have been posted

Pediatric Gait Discussion Group

Therapies in The School Discussion Group

Post Concussion Syndrome Therapeutic Strategies Discussion Group

Do you have ideas for other discussion topic/groups?

If you don’t use Facebook what other forums do you belong to?


NANT 8 – Networking with 500 Passionate Neonatal Therapists

Returning from our second “NANT experience” was again inspirational and fueled the desire to help provide training for this extraordinary group of therapists.
We spent an amazing three days listening to their needs, suggestions and thoughts for the future and were in awe of their absolute devotion to their babies and parents. For the second year it was a privilege to be a part of the movement to provide optimal care to such a fragile population and their families. 

[caption id="attachment_5407" align="aligncenter" width="284"] ERI Booth NANT 8[/caption]

As NANT’s (the National Association of Neonatal Therapists) professional partners in education,  Carol, Alyson and I were honored to host our ERI booth in the exhibitor space at the NANT 8 conference in Charlotte, NC. We welcomed so many passionate, dedicated and influential therapists and from the moment we arrived the warmth felt from old friends and new, was overwhelming.

[caption id="attachment_5404" align="alignleft" width="258"]ERI Faculty Holly Schifsky Holly Schifsky Spending time withe ERI booth visitors[/caption]

We were privileged to be able to spend time with many, discuss CEU needs, hear the excitement and need to bring new faculty and courses to their facilities, and also to hear about frustrations and how they want to bring about change, to encourage collaboration and to help aid the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) NICU Verification Program. We admire the absolute passion and drive.

We were very excited to have ERI faculty members Holly Schifsky, Lynn Wolf and Bobbi Pineda join us at the booth to share their expertise. The lines to talk to these experts were deep!
And thrilled to help honor Holly Schifsky as she was awarded the National Association of Neonatal Therapists Excellence in Clinical Practice Award. We were also excited to connect with potential new speakers (watch this space!) about new content and ideas for new courses. 

[caption id="attachment_5403" align="alignright" width="150"]Lynn Wolf- ERI faculty ERI Faculty Lynn Wolf Meeting Neonatal Therapists NANT 2018[/caption]

Our heart felt congratulations to Sue Ludwig and Chrysty Sturdivant and their dedicated team for their unwavering support and devotion to this specialized, dedicated group of therapists

For those of you who were there……. stay tuned …. we will be announcing the winners of our raffle very shortly 🙂
