Use code Spring2018 through Monday April 23rd

Not to be used in combination with other discounts or course credits. 
Non-Transferable. Only one discount may be used per conference. 
Must be applied at time of registration, not for conferences previously registered for. 
Not for online courses. Not for one day courses.
Some restrictions may apply. Please check individual course pages for limitations.

  If you have any questions call us, email us -we’re more than a website
We’re therapists too!

SEARCH for courses that remind you why you became a therapist.


Continuing Education Courses in Indiana for PT’s, OT’s, SLP’s and Special Educators

Let Us Help You Grow Professionally!

EDUCATION RESOURCES is committed to ensuring class participants learn effective techniques and critical problem solving skills that can be immediately applied to the work setting.

Improve Outcomes by Improving Patient Care

Education Resources provides continuing education in Indiana that can truly make a difference for Physical Therapists, Physical Therapist Assistants, Occupational Therapists, Occupational Therapy Assistants, and Speech Language Pathologists and their patients.

Our distinguished and world renowned faculty are leaders in their field, and provide clinically relevant, evidence based, dynamic and engaging CEU courses.

Please click on the links below for full course information, dates, our IN venues, CEU information and registration details.

Therapeutic Evaluation and Treatment of Toe Walking (Pediatric Equinus Gait)
Liesa Persaud
May 4-5, 2018 – Indianapolis, IN

Post Concussion Syndrome
Christina Finn
June 1-2, 2018 – Indianapolis, IN

Practical Strategies for Treating Complex Pediatric Feeding Disorders: Treating the Whole Child
Mary Tarbell
August 17-18, 2018 – Indianapolis, IN

Maximizing Cardiovascular and Pulmonary Function in Patients to Decrease Re-Admissions and Reach Optimal Outcomes: If you Can’t Breathe Nothing Else Matters
Donna Frownfelter
September 28-29, 2018 – Indianapolis, IN

Treating Infants and Families in the NICU and Beyond
Roberta Gatlin
November 2-3, 2018 – Indianapolis, IN

Taping to Improve Alignment, Strength and Function in Children
Jackie Grimenstein
November 2-3, 2018 – Indianapolis, IN

Amputee Rehabilitation Across the Continuum of Care using Evidence Based Practice 
Inger Brueckner
November 30-December 1, 2018 – Indianapolis, IN

CEU Information

  • Education Resources is an approved provider of continuing education by the American Occupational Therapy Association.
  • Missouri Board of Physical Therapy recognizes other board’s approvals
  • Kansas Board of Physical Therapy recognizes other board’s approvals
  • Michigan Physical Therapy Association will accept other physical therapy boards approvals. 
  • Education Resources is an approved sponsor by the State of Illinois Dept. of Financial and Professional Regulation for Physical Therapy
  • Approved by BOC to offer CEUs for Athletic Trainers.
  • Education Resources, Inc. is approved by the Continuing Education Board of the American Speech-Language Hearing Association (ASHA) to provide continuing education activities in speech-language pathology and audiology.
  • Application is made to the Commission on Dietetic Registration for appropriate courses.

Search our website for newly added courses.

Train Your Staff – Bring a Course to Your Facility

EXHIBITOR AND SPONSORSHIP OPPORTUNITIES at our Popular School Based Conference 2018

Looking to be a Sponsor or to Exhibit?

There is no better way to reach school therapists:

Nineteenth Annual
THERAPIES in the SCHOOL Conference
November 15 -16 2018 
Framingham, MA

There is no better way to reach school based personnel than to showcase your relevant products and services at this popular  annual conference, “Therapies in the School”.

Each year, our popular annual conference “Therapies in the School” attracts key decision makers from all over the U.S.
and Canada and has sold out early.
There is no better way to reach school based personnel than
to showcase your relevant products and services at this popular
This year’s conference is relevant for therapists and special
educators who are new to the school system setting as well as
those who are more “seasoned”. Topics include how to write
educationally relevant IEPs, how to help prepare children so
they are “ready to learn”, best practices for collaboration, and
strategies to build interoception, the eighth sensory system.
Break out sessions will also cover pre-writing skills necessary
for handwriting, as well as praxis, sensory modulation, and
motor issues as they affect learning.

We hope to see you at this year’s conference.


We are now pleased to offer multiple levels of sponsorship opportunities.

Please see enclosed details. 

Premium Level
Complimentary Guest Registration (1) to attend the conference and earn CEUs if applicable. 

We offer a buffet breakfast on each morning of the conference,
a wonderful opportunity for participants to network.

Lunch (limited to three sponsors)
Our participants enjoy a sit-down luncheon to reconnect and
network with colleagues on the last day of the conference.

Coffee Break (multiple opportunities available)
Our participants do not go hungry!
We offer breaks on each day. 

Other Sponsorship Opportunities Customized to Suit your Needs

Please contact me with any questions 
Mandy: mwashington@educationresourcesinc.com 508 359 6533 800-487-6530


ERI is Returning to the NANT Conference.

Carol, Alyson and Mandy from the ERI team are lucky enough to be joining almost 500 passionate, dedicated and influential neonatal therapists at the annual NANT conference in
Charlotte North Carolina next week on April 13-14.
presented by the National Association of Neonatal Therapists.

Stop by and say hello! We are at Booth 5 in the exhibit hall 

We learned so much last year, by listening to the needs and frustrations of the neonatal therapist. As a result we developed new continuing education courses, and hired new dynamic faculty to join our growing distinguished team. Courses from Holly Schifsky, and Roberta Gatlin have been extremely well received and we are very excited to offer two courses by Lynn Wolf and Robin Glass later this fall. We would love to hear your thoughts and suggestions  – share topic ideas or suggestions for speakers you would love to hear. Meet and chat with one of our newest faculty members
Saturday 10:30am – 11:15am

Join our Mailing list and be entered to win one of two free CEU courses

($435 value each)
Stop by the booth, share your contact information with us.
We will randomly draw names following the conference.

Professional Partners – NANT + ERI  The National Association of Neonatal Therapists (NANT) and Education Resources, Inc. partnered to strengthen the quality and accessibility of continuing education for neonatal therapists.

Education Resources, Inc. will expand its live workshops and in-house trainings for NICU and developmental therapists while NANT will continue to master online education for its members and global learners. Live Courses for Neonatal Therapists

For NANT online Education 


ERI is Hiring!

Physical Therapist (Part-Time) – Assistant Director of Continuing Education

Celebrating 30 years of life-changing learning for therapists by therapists, we are excited to seek a part-time physical therapist to join our dynamic continuing education team to help plan live and online course offerings based on the latest evidence, needs assessments, and market research.  We are passionate about providing evidence-based courses that remind you why you became a therapist, and why you love what you do. At the heart of it all, it’s about improving outcomes by improving patient care.

Primary responsibilities are to research potential topics and faculty, reach out to and assist in hiring new faculty, consult with them on course outlines designed to accomplish course objectives.  Candidates are expected to contribute to our high-quality course offerings that emphasize active, hands-on learning and are based on scientific evidence while assisting the Director of Continuing Education.

Additional responsibilities include communicating with clinicians in the field to seek content input, coordinating with faculty members, and working with non-therapy staff to field therapist-related questions about professional development.

The ideal candidate will be a physical therapist who is passionate about continuing education, has a background in adult learning, and has experience in developing course content at a post-professional level.  Advanced academic degree and/or advanced clinical specialization is preferred.

We are a small but robust, dynamic, friendly team. Our office is located in Medfield, MA, approximately 20 miles west of Boston.  We offer competitive hourly rates commensurate with experience. (Approximately 15 hours total per/week. A minimum of 8 hours to be in the Medfield office).

Please send curriculum vitae and cover letter to: info@educationresourcesinc.com
(please use Part Time PT Position as a subject line)

We are looking forward to hearing from you.
